MMA 2024 Investment Retreat



MMA 2024  Investment Retreat: September 19-22, 2024 in Lake Bled, Slovenia

This is a three day investment retreat focusing on learning MMA’s Market Timing Methods and how they apply to long-term investment strategies for the next five years, as well as short-term trading strategies for the next month and week.

Led by MMA President and Founder Raymond Merriman and MMTA Director Gianni Di Poce, this event will take place live in Bled, Slovenia.

Visit our 2024 MMA Investment Retreat Brochure HERE


Full Description

MMA 2024 Trading & Investment Retreat: September 19-12, 2024 in Bled, Slovenia

This is a three day investment retreat focused on learning MMA’s Market Timing Methods and how they apply to long-term investment strategies for the next five years, as well as short-term trading strategies for the next month and week.

Led by MMA President and Founder Raymond Merriman and MMTA Director Gianni Di Poce, this event will take place in Lake Bled, Slovenia


When is the event: September 19-22, 2024

Where will it take place: The Rikli Balance Hotel, Bled, Slovenia

What will be covered: This MMA Investment Retreat program will be divided between three days and will consist of 22 presentations.

Day 1: World Equity Markets and Investment Opportunities
Introduction to Long-Term Market Cycles
Long-Term US Stock market Outlook
Introduction to Trading and Primary Cycles in Financial Markets
German DAX
Japan Nikkei
Short-Term trading US Stock Market Opening
2025-2030: Uranus and the Emergence of a New World

Day 2: Chinese Financial Markets, Gold, Silver, Currencies, and Crypto Currencies 
Sexagenary Cycles in the Chinese Calendar
Bitcoin and Crypto Currencies
Euro Currency
US Dollar
The World Between 2025 and 2032: Potential Global Changes and the Impacts

Day 3: Trading Psychology, Wheat, T-Notes, Housing markets, Interest and Mortgage rates, and Crude Oil
Navigating the Mind: Understanding Trading Psychology, Dilemmas, and Decisions
Wheat Prices and Outlook
T-Notes Outlook
Mortgage Rates, Housing Markets and real Estate as an Investment
Crude Oil Outlook

Who will Present:

Raymond Merriman, President of MMA and Founder of MMTA, the Merriman Market Timing Academy
Gianni Di Poce, MMTA Director and MMA Market Analyst
Claude Weiss, President of Astrodata
Pouyan Zolfagharnia, MMA Crude Oil Analyst
Aleksandar Imsiragic, Founder of Johannes Kepler Astrological Institute
Ulric Aspegren, MMA Currency Analyst
Wyatt Fellows, MMA Agriculture Analyst
Matthieu Kaiser, MMA Copper Analyst
Rita Perea, Financial Psychologist
Irma Schogt, MMTA Graduate
Vincent Wang, MMA China Equity Markets Analyst

Where to Learn More: Visit our 2024 MMA Investment Retreat Brochure HERE