MMA Investment Retreat 2024 FAQ

Location: Rikli Balance Hotel
Lake Bled, Slovenia

Date: September 19-22, 2024

Where is Slovenia?
– Slovenia is in South Central Europe bordered by Croatia, Hungary, Austria, Italy, and the Adriatic Sea.

How do I sign up?
– If you are ready to sign up please follow this link HERE and select either the in person or virtual option.
– If you have more questions please reach out directly via email,

How much is it? What is included?
– The cost is $3,500. If you sign up before August 1st, the discounted price is $3,000. The cost includes daily classes, class recordings, welcome party, daily lunches, and Friday and Saturday group dinners.
– The fee does not include overnight accommodations or travel expenses.

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Our MMA Solar Lunar Forecast App: Now Ready!

The MMA Solar Lunar Forecasting App is the newest and ultimate market timing tool for active traders. It is based on the most rigorous research performed on the historical correlation of solar/lunar combinations to short-term trading reversals in the DJIA, Gold, and Silver.

Are you a short-term trader who wants insight into when to enter and exit a trade? With the new MMA Solar Lunar Forecasting App, traders will receive real time alerts on high probability dates for short-term market reversals.

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How to Read The Proper “Setup” for a Trade

The Solar/Lunar reversal dates work best when the proper “trading setup” is in place.

A trading setup is in place when an isolated low or high forms within the solar/lunar reversal dates. For video instruction on this, please watch this video on our YouTube channel. Otherwise, the following steps describe the proper setup that should be in place for maximum trading benefit, and without this set up, the trade is negated:

1. A weighted value score of 138 or higher is most desirable. Anything “higher than norm” should be considered, especially if above 114. Above 138 is “high.” Above 150 is “very high”. The higher the score, the more frequent it has correlated with a reversal (isolated low or high) in the past from which prices have reversed 2.5% or greater within the following 1-7 trading days (and even longer depending on the labeling of the primary cycle).

The dates given in the MMA Solar Lunar Forecasting App are based on the position of the Sun and Moon at noon that day for the DJIA, and 11:00 AM Greenwich (London) for Gold and Silver. However, since futures markets trade nearly 24 hours, from Sunday evening through Friday evening, traders should also understand that the anticipated reversal may apply to late the day before and early the day after those shown in the Solar Lunar Forecasting App as well. For an overview of the MMA Solar Lunar Forecast App, please visit our How to Use the MMA Solar Lunar Forecasting App Video on our YouTube channel.

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FAQ for the MMA Solar Lunar App

What is the strategy if the 3 or 4% values are highlighted in red or orange?

Look for the market to take out the prior day’s low or high and then reverse. It can be either the first or second day, and sometimes even the third day, while the Moon is in that sign. To be valid, the high or low that forms in this period must remain intact (isolated) the following day to fit the setup criteria.


What is the strategy if the “High”  score is highlighted in red or orange?

First of all, when the “high” column is highlighted in orange or red, it means the “high” weighted value score is at least 138 or higher, while the weighted value score of the “low” is below 83. That combination is most desirable to trade, especially if the “All” column is also above 114

In these cases, look for the market to make an isolated high on one of these dates (higher than the high of the prior day and next day), and then reverse down (start a decline). As indicated above, it is best if the score in the “Low” column is under 83 at the same time the score in “High” column is above 138, and better yet when the “All” column is above 114. In fact, the weighted value will not be color-coded for a “high” unless the “low” value is under 83. This makes it more probable for a reversal. Do not initiate a short trade before the prior day’s high is exceeded in this time frame.

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Position Trading in Market Cycles: Long-Term Strategies

The financial markets are a dynamic landscape, offering opportunities and challenges for traders and investors alike. To navigate this ever-changing terrain successfully, one must employ the right strategies, and one such strategy is position trading. In this article, we will explore the concept of position trading and its significance in today’s financial markets. We will also delve into the world of Merriman Market Analyst (MMA) and how it can assist traders in gaining valuable insights into market cycles.


What is Position Trading?

Position trading is a trading strategy that focuses on the long-term prospects of financial assets. Unlike day trading, which involves making quick, short-term trades, or swing trading, which aims for moderate gains over days or weeks, position trading extends over much longer periods. Raymond A. Merriman, the President of The Merriman Market Analyst, Inc., defines position trading as a strategy with a horizon of three months or longer. The key principle is that the longer the planetary cycle unfolding, the longer the market cycle that’s unfolding.

Position trading is built on the foundation of thorough research and analysis. Traders utilizing this strategy often base their decisions on comprehensive market research, economic indicators, and technical analysis. It’s a strategy that requires a patient, disciplined approach.


Position Trading Strategies

Successful position trading demands a well-defined strategy. Traders must carefully select their entry and exit points, set stop-loss orders, and diversify their portfolios. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach, some common position trading strategies include trend following, breakout trading, and value investing. The choice of strategy often depends on the trader’s risk tolerance and market outlook.

MMA offers advanced tools and resources that can aid traders in implementing effective position trading strategies. These tools provide valuable insights into market trends, helping traders make informed decisions and increase their chances of success.

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Trading Secrets of Market Cycles: Unveiling the Power of the Double Bottom Pattern for Profitable Geocosmic Strategies

In the world of financial markets, gaining insights and staying ahead of the curve is essential. That’s where Merriman Market Analyst (MMA) comes into play. Established on September 28, 1983, by the visionary Raymond A. Merriman, MMA has been at the forefront of providing advanced tools for understanding financial markets and the broader economy. With a rich history and a commitment to research, MMA has become a trusted resource for traders and investors.

In this article, we dive deep into one of the most powerful trading patterns – the double bottom pattern. We will explore what it is, its significance, and how MMA’s insights into geocosmic factors can enhance your trading strategies.

What is the Double Bottom Pattern?

The double bottom pattern is a classic technical analysis pattern that often signals a bullish reversal in the price of an asset. It is characterized by two distinct troughs or “bottoms” on a price chart, separated by a peak or “top” in between. The pattern resembles the letter “W,” and it is a strong indicator that a downtrend may be coming to an end.

Significance of the Double Bottom Pattern

Why is the double bottom pattern so important for traders? Firstly, it provides a reliable signal of a potential trend reversal. When the second “bottom” in the pattern forms, it signifies that buyers have come back into the market, overcoming the selling pressure that created the first bottom. This is a strong indication that a bullish trend may be on the horizon.

Secondly, MMA’s research has shown that there is a correlation between market highs and lows and geocosmic factors such as astrology and astronomy. This means that understanding these factors can give traders an edge in timing their trades more accurately.

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Unlocking Patterns in Market Cycles: Mastering the Triple Top Chart Pattern for Stellar Stock Analysis

In the dynamic world of financial markets, understanding and predicting trends is a skill that sets successful traders apart. Enter technical analysis—a discipline that examines historical price data to forecast future price movements. Among the myriad of tools available to traders, the triple top chart pattern shines as a potent indicator for identifying potential trend reversals in stocks. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of the triple top pattern, explore its trading strategies, and discuss its significance in the world of stock analysis.


What is a Triple Top Chart Pattern?

At its core, the triple top chart pattern is a bearish reversal pattern that emerges after a robust uptrend. Visually, it resembles three successive peaks that form at approximately the same price level, forming a horizontal resistance line. This pattern signifies a weakening bullish momentum and an impending shift towards a bearish trajectory.

Imagine a stock that has been on a winning streak, climbing higher and higher. However, at some point, the upward momentum falters, and the price starts oscillating within a relatively narrow range. This consolidation period leads to the formation of the triple top pattern. The first peak is a testament to the stock’s strength, while the second and third peaks signal a struggle to breach the previous high. This struggle between buyers and sellers paints a compelling picture of potential reversal.

How to Trade a Triple Top Pattern

Identifying a triple top pattern is a skill that requires a keen eye and an understanding of price action. Let’s break down the steps to effectively trade this pattern:

  1. Pattern Recognition: Begin by identifying three distinct peaks that form near the same price level. Draw horizontal lines connecting the highs to create the resistance level.
  2. Volume Confirmation: Volume plays a pivotal role in confirming the pattern. Ideally, the volume should decrease as the pattern develops. A sudden surge in volume during the third peak can signal an impending breakout or breakdown.
  3. Triple Trigger Chart: The concept of a “triple trigger chart” is crucial in confirming the validity of the pattern. This involves waiting for the price to break below the pattern’s support level, triggering a sell signal.

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Risk Mastery in Market Cycles: Unleashing the Power of the Risk-Reward Ratio in Geocosmic Trading

In the fast-paced world of financial markets, gaining insights that can give you an edge is paramount. This is where Merriman Market Analyst (MMA) steps in, offering advanced tools that provide a deeper understanding of financial markets and the broader economy. With a legacy dating back to its incorporation on September 28, 1983, MMA has been at the forefront of market analysis, with a visionary founder who understands the critical role of risk-reward ratios and geocosmic factors in trading strategies.

Understanding the Risk-Reward Ratio

The power of the risk-reward ratio lies in its ability to guide traders towards making informed decisions. The risk-reward ratio is a fundamental concept that assesses the potential profit of a trade against its potential loss. It acts as a compass, helping traders navigate the unpredictable seas of the market. The idea is simple but profound – a favorable risk-reward ratio ensures that the potential reward outweighs the potential risk, making a trade attractive.

Exploring Market Risk Premium and Reward-Risk Ratio

Within the risk-reward ratio, there are two key components: reward and risk. Reward refers to the potential gain from a successful trade, while risk represents the potential loss. Market risk premium, often interchangeably used with market return, is the compensation investors require for taking on risk. The reward-risk ratio formula encapsulates these elements, forming the bedrock of strategic decision-making for traders.

To illustrate, consider this scenario: An investor anticipates a market shift due to an upcoming geocosmic critical reversal date. This investor recognizes that if the market is making a low point during this period, it presents an appealing risk-reward buying opportunity. This aligns with MMA’s philosophy, embracing the correlation between geocosmic factors and market trends.

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