On the Welcome page, we offered a brief case supporting the correlation of astrological events with major market events. Citing the Dot-Com Bubble of 2000 (and subsequent crash), the Great Depression, and the 2008 Financial Crisis as evidence is an easy exercise since these were major events coinciding with significant geocosmics in play. Interpreting future events is not always a simple task, as there are generally many influences at work.
Still, there are regular repeating patterns that we can point to as further arguments to confirm predictable connections. Let’s look at a one more example.
Uranus through the Astrological Signs – An interesting correlation exists with Uranus exhibiting a boom and bust in a sector of the economy that is ruled by the sign it is traveling through. In its 84-year orbit around the Sun, Uranus spends about seven years in each sign. For example, Aquarius rules technology and Uranus traversed this sign from 1995-2003. This contributed to the tech-heavy NASDAQ index soaring to new highs, topping out in March 2000, and then a 78% collapse that lasted until 2002 while Uranus was still in this sign.
Uranus next moved into Pisces from 2003 until 2010. Pisces rules crude oil, which started this period under $30 a barrel, climbed to $147 in 2008 (~400% appreciation), only to crash 78% to $32 a mere five months later. Uranus spent its next seven years (2011-2018) moving through Aries, which rules weapons. One proxy for this could be the stock of the company formerly known as Smith & Wesson. It traded between $2 and $3 generally in 2001, but soared to $31 in 2016, yet crumbled to $9 before Uranus left the sign in May 2018.
Uranus now travels through Taurus until 2025/2026 (considering retrograde, or apparent backward, movements). The Forecast 2019 Book has a 10-page discussion on the potentials for how Uranus might upset Taurian sectors.