Merriman Market Analyst

Trade Recommendations

Gold Recommendation

October 2, 2023

MMA Weekly Report (full and Gold), Ray Merriman’s recommendation was, “Let’s go long at 1825 +/- 10 with a stop-loss on a close below 1790.”

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T-Notes Recommendation

April 10, 2023

MMA Monthly Cycles Report, Gianni Di Poce’s recommendation was, “…sell short at current price levels with a stop loss and revert back long on a close above 117/05… On this initial short position, look to cover 1/3 on a drop to 111/11 +/- 6 if offered.”

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Soybeans Recommendation

January 29, 2024

MMA Weekly Report, Wyatt Fellows recommended, “Try the short side on any rally back to the 15-day moving average early this week. If filled exit 1/3 at 1185.00 +/- 5.00. Use a stop loss on a weekly close above 1260.00 for now.”

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Bitcoin Recommendation

September 25, 2023

MMA Weekly Report, Gianni Di Poce’s recommendation was, “…Try the long side again this week on a drop to 26,000 +/- 200 with a stop loss on a weekly close below 24,925.”

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Copper Recommendation

October 17, 2023

MMA Monthly Cycles Report, MMA’s recommendation was, “In this case, we should not wait too long before the primary bottom is hit for good: the time bands for primary, half-primary, and trading cycles overlap between October 16 and 25. If the primary bottom is not yet in, we thus expect it to form on October 28, +/- 3 trading days. If so, it will most certainly be below 3.5450, implying a bearish ending to this primary cycle.”

November 7 (PT price target): “(…) our price target areas for this primary cycle are 3.94-4.06, and 4.20-4.39 on a breakout.”

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DJIA Recommendation

November 13, 2023

MMA Weekly Cycles Report, Gianni Di Poce’s recommendation was, “.. try the long side on a drop to 34,000 +/- 60 with a stop loss on a daily close below 33,274, or go long on a daily close above 34,440 with a stop loss on a weekly close below 33,390 – whichever happens first.”

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