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 Inflation extended a run of cooler readings in July, sealing the case for the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates at its meeting next month. The consumer-price index rose 2.9% from a year earlier, the Labor Department said Wednesday, the lowest reading since 2021 and slightly below economists’ expectations of 3%. Core inflation, which excludes volatile food and energy items, was 3.2%, also a three-year low.

Sam Goldfarb and Nick Timiraos, “Cooling July Inflation Sets Stage for Fed’s September Rate Cut,” Wall Street Journal, August 14, 2024.

 I’ll consider three gauges here, the CAPE [cyclically adjusted price-to-earnings ratio], the forward PE and the Fed Model. All show that the offers being presented by Mr. Market—as legendary investor Benjamin Graham personified it—are unattractive for large U.S. stocks at present. They are expensive not only compared with the past but smaller stocks, foreign stocks, corporate bonds and Treasurys, too. If these measures are right, the rebound of the past couple of weeks is a fools’ rally, and it’s time to switch away from the biggest stocks.

James Mackintosh, “Markets Are Way Out of Line With Reality,”, August 16, 2024.

As expected, this Mercury retrograde cycle is doing something unexpected. Instead of its usual pattern of 1-4 day swings up and down in global stock markets, this Mercury retrograde (also known as “The Trickster”) started with a mini panic crash on August 5. Instead of reversing every 1-4 days, several global stock markets have made higher highs every day since it turned retrograde. It looks like a primary cycle low occurred right on the date the Trickster went on stage, faking a financial collapse and instead turning that low into a buying opportunity. But now, as we enter the midpoint of Mercury retrograde, we have to wonder if the rally is also a fake-out involving the resumption of the bull market. You have to be careful when the Trickster is in the spotlight, especially if Uranus is also highlighted, which will be the case on Monday, August 19, when the Full Moon makes a T-square to Uranus.

In Asia and the Pacific Rim, all markets except China’s Shanghai Composite followed the same pattern of an important low on Aug 5, then a smart rally into Friday, August 16. The SSE, however, continued to fall to a new 6-month low on Thursday, August 15. China’s stock market and economy are currently suffering greater stress than most other major developed nations.

European indices all stuck to the same beat. That is, all bottomed around August 5-6 and rallied sharply into the close of August 16. The U.S. markets did the same. However, Brazil’s Bovespa index surprised everyone by soaring to a new all-time high on Friday.

Gold had a stellar week, exploding to another new all-time high on Friday as it tested 2550. Silver also performed well, rallying to test 29.00 on Friday, a gain of nearly 10% off the prior week’s low of 26.50. Bitcoin had an inside week, trading between the low and high of the prior week as it tries to determine whether it’s in a new primary cycle (bullish) off its multi-month low of August 5, or embarking upon one final phase of a decline to an older primary cycle (bearish). Crude Oil is pretty much in the same boat as Bitcoin, having bottomed on August 5 at 71.67, then spiking up to a high of 80.16 on August 12, only to pull sharply back again to a low of 74.52 on Friday.

 Short-Term Geocosmics

 Regarding a geocosmic weather metaphor, you must consider this current period a “storm high-alert warning.” A slew of powerful geocosmic signatures is underway, with the midpoint occurring on Monday, August 19.

It started with Mars conjunct Jupiter on August 14 and with the Moon in Jupiter’s ruling sign of Sagittarius (Aug 13-15). The DJIA gapped up that day and, in fact, exhibited a “bullish island reversal,” which is usually a very bullish chart pattern (it’s a gap down previously that is then followed later with a gap up, and both gaps create a vacuum over the same price zone). August 15-17 finds the MMA Solar/Lunar Reversal App indicating a high. August 16-17 is the midpoint of this Mercury retrograde cycle, which often coincides with a price reversal +/- 2 trading days. Since the stock market is making highs now, you would anticipate that it would reverse down. However, given the bullish island reversal chart pattern and the presence of Mercury retrograde, that may not happen. Typical of the Trickster, you get conflicting signals or fake-outs of buy or sell signals. Thus, our policy is to hold off on entering new position trades until the retrograde cycle “tricks” end. This is usually a time band for aggressive traders only.

Monday, August 19, however, is the center of this cosmic storm. This is when the first of three passages of Jupiter square Saturn in mutable signs (unstable and erratic) takes place over the next 10 months. Venus in Virgo will add intensity to this mutable square, which will also make a mutable T-square with Jupiter and Saturn on Monday, August 19, while Mars in Gemini will add to the mix. Venus squares Mars on August 23, which ends this cosmic log jam for a few days. But the cosmic play of August 19 also contains a powerful Full Moon, with Uranus sitting right between the Sun and Moon in a fixed sign T-square. This Full Moon in T-square with Uranus is still close enough to involve Algol and thus to touch off that Mars-Uranus-Algol conjunction that took place in mid-July when the DJIA, S&P, and NASDAQ all made their all-time highs. Is this to be a cosmic case of déjà vu? We note that two of the signatures unfolding on August 19 have an 80+% correlation to sharp reversals +/- 4 trading days. It might get very wild here.

It is also interesting to note that the Democratic convention in Chicago begins on Monday, August 19. With all this cosmic “shock and awe” in effect, astrologers will be watching closely for any signs of unusual activity related to the “Trickster” (Mercury retrograde) and the “Disruptor” (Uranus at the midpoint of the Full Moon). This ought to be a real-time lesson in Mundane Astrology. With Uranus, you expect protests. With Saturn, you might expect heavy security and police presence (and arrests). With Mercury also retrograde, you might be better off not expecting anything too specific because whatever you expect—it’s likely to be something else entirely. Think of “surprises,” maybe chaos, and possibly inspiration.

 Longer-Term Thoughts: the U.S. Election

 Mr. Trump is much better than Ms. Harris in these more intimate (town hall) settings. She’s terrible, because she has no stable beliefs and stumbles trying to qualify her answers. There is virtually no chance of her submitting to a town hall before the election. It’s the teleprompter or bust for Ms. Harris. A town-hall format is also the venue most likely to keep Mr. Trump on message, because the participating voters will themselves be totally on message. If instead Mr. Trump’s strategy remains trying to tear apart Ms. Harris personally, so be it. But the Trumpians at those big rallies had better come to grips with the possibility that it’s a farewell tour.

Daniel Henninger, “Have Trump Rallies Become a Political Loser?” Wall Street Journal, August 14, 2024.

It’s an interesting election when you look at the natal charts of both candidates dictated by the two-party system. Each has a “regal” inherent quality. As a result, both probably expect to be treated with a high degree of deference, or respect, to their “regal-like” self-identity. In former President Trump’s case, he is like the “Lion King, the king of the jungle.” Everybody must respect or fear him, with Mars conjunct his ascendant in Leo on the fixed star Regulus (the King).

Vice-President Harris has a similar astrological dynamic with her natal Sun in Libra in the fifth house. The fifth house has psychological themes in common with Leo. You might call this the “Queen Bee” signature, given that her natal Sun is in the sign of beauty (Libra). Is she a Queen who shows everyone mercy, compassion, and grace? Or is she more inclined to shout, “Off with his head,” like the Queen in “Alice in Wonderland,” to anyone who has the gall to challenge her power and authority?

Both Trump and Harris are born under Full Moons in fire signs, so there is apt to be a price to pay for those who do not demonstrate deference to either of them. Both have Mars in Leo, which is the most common sign placement in the charts of past presidents, according to astrological research conducted by Michael O’Reilly ( These are warriors (Mars) who will fight (Mars and fire sign moons) if they feel slighted or offended. They will also protect “their own” (that’s what lions, Leos, and fifth house Suns do, as well as the Moon in fire signs). Which begs the question: who are “their own?” Do they include all Americans? All humans? Democrats or Republicans only?

Then we have the third party candidates, chief of which is Robert Kennedy Jr. The powers behind the kings and queens of political theatre (and halls of power) don’t want him to be a part of this match and don’t want citizens to hear his voice. RFK was born on January 17, 1954, time unknown, although there is speculation that it may be at 5:32 PM. Still, no one has yet produced a birth certificate or any other acceptable document or record to validate this time. If indeed he is born at 5:32 PM, then he has his Sun in the 6th house of “service.” I would dub him “Servant of the People” (Obama had that, too). But will a “Servant of the People” have a chance to participate in a match involving the King and the Queen? If so, it would be an interesting contest/election because all three find transiting Saturn near the top of their natal chart, which means all three are in a cycle where they could be asked (or voted) to take on more demanding roles in life – in fact, the most demanding roles in their life. Just running for the office of U. S. president will be demanding. But the higher Saturn is in the chart, the more likely one takes on one of the most – if not the most – demanding tasks in their lifetime. You want to see transiting Saturn high up in the chart of the one who is elected. In comparison, transiting Saturn is at the bottom of Joe Biden’s chart now. It did not bode well for his re-election.

I have received several emails asking about RFK, which tells me there is probably more support for him than the MSM (Main Stream Media) is tapping into. I will be happy to comment on his astrological potential in this race if 1) we obtain a valid confirmation of his birth time and 2) if MSM and the 2-party power brokers will allow him into the debates and give him (and the American public) an opportunity to hear what he has to say and how he handles the questions asked of Trump and Harris. Until then, I am not holding my breath that the powers behind the two-party system want anything to do with what RFK might have to say, whether he deserves a voice in this election, and whether the public cares or not. That would be an authentic sign of real democracy and inclusion at work in American politics. It is something that is talked about as if owned by one party over the other, but it is absent in practice regarding this presidential election.



 NOTE 1: IT’S THAT TIME OF THE YEAR AGAIN! THE “ANNUAL MMA FORECAST 2025 PRE-PUBLICATION SALE” started August 1!!!! The sale will run through October 31 and includes our once-a-year discounts on both the annual Forecast book and MMA Subscription Reports.~

During this pre-order period, the FORECAST 2025 print edition is available at the discounted rate of $55, and the eBook version is available for $45. AND this is also when we offer the best deal on MMA Subscription Reports! Save 10% off any subscription ($275+) with the purchase of Forecast 2025. After the pre-order event ends on November 1, the retail price of the Forecast 2025 print edition increases to $66, the eBook price increases to $55, and the subscription reports return to their normal prices. Order now and save big bucks!

MMA will also offer a special “bundle” discount rate for those who wish to order both the eBook and printed editions of Forecast 2025 for $75. The eBook usually comes out 1-2 weeks before the print edition and avoids delays caused by the postal system, especially for those of you who live overseas. Yet many readers prefer the print edition, so ordering both via the Forecast 2025 Bundle makes sense. You will receive the Forecast 2025 eBook on December 15, and the print copy will be mailed in mid-December.

MMA’s annual Forecast book is an astrological-themed almanac that has served students of cycles and markets since 1976. It provides a cyclical outlook of the collective world psychology, national economy, geopolitical overview, socio-cultural trends, weather and natural calamities potentials, as well as financial market projections for the U.S. stock market, the U.S. Treasury market, interest rates, Gold and Silver, currencies (the Euro, British Pound, Swiss Franc, and Japanese Yen), Bitcoin, Crude Oil, and Grain markets. Its extraordinary market timing forecasts are based on the historical correlation of market cycles overlapping with geocosmic planetary cycles. Additionally, it provides the three-star critical reversal dates for each market for the year, which have an 80+% accuracy over the years to trading cycle highs and lows when given an orb of three trading days. The book is approximately 200 pages, 8.5″ x 11″, and has set the standard for all astrological almanacs written today.

The scorecard for Forecast 2024, as of July 31, 2024, is now available for viewing by clicking here.

To pre-order Forecast 2025 now, please click here.


NOTE 2: ONLY ONE MORE MONTH!!! THE MMA 2024 Investment Retreat is fast approaching! This special wealth-building event will be available to attend online and in person.

 The 2024 MMA Investment Retreat will take place September 19-22, 2024, at the Rikli Balance Hotel in the Julian Alps region of beautiful Lake Bled, Slovenia. You won’t want to miss this chance to hear the outlooks and wealth-building strategies using MMA market timing methods by top MMA analysts Raymond Merriman (USA), Gianni Di Poce (USA), Ulric Aspegrén (Switzerland), Pouyan Zolfagharnia (UK), Irma Schogt (Netherlands), Rita Perea (USA), Vincent Wang (Singapore), Wyatt Fellows (USA), plus special guest speakers Claude Weiss (Switzerland) and Aleksandar Imsiragic (Serbia). Special attention will be given to the stock markets of the USA, Germany, China, and Japan, plus Gold, Silver, Copper, Bitcoin, Wheat, Crude Oil, Real Estate, and interest rates. Every one of these markets is entering a time band for a long-term cycle low and, thus, an outstanding investment opportunity (in our MMA view). At this retreat, we will share our investment plan for entering each market with a “buy and hold” horizon based on MMA’s unique market-timing methodology for creating wealth.

The Rikli Balance Hotel, where the event will take place, is now fully booked. However, cancellations do occur, so we are compiling a waiting list for the Rikli Balance Hotel in case that happens. We also have a list of other nearby hotels where several attendees are staying. The cost to attend the retreat, live or online, is $3500. There is a 10% discount for subscribers of MMA Daily or Weekly reports or one-year monthly reports. For those who attend in person, the rate includes meals, snacks, an opening reception, and the Saturday evening banquet at the historic castle on Lake Bled. To register for this spectacular event, click here. To see the full brochure, schedule, topics, and speakers’ bios, click here. To see a list of questions and answers (FAQs) regarding the Investment Retreat, click here. Sign up now and lock in your place at this unique gathering!

 NOTE 3: YOUR PERSONAL “JUPITER REPORT — YOUR MOMENTS OF OPPORTUNITY” IS COMING!!! Due to release in early September, this newest product is a report that all traders (and even non-traders) will find to be of great value. Raymond Merriman created this report, and it identifies the times during the year when Jupiter transits are highlighting your chart. It delineates the meaning of Jupiter’s transits to your natal planets and angles over 14 months (including one month before your order and one month after the year ends). Why is this valuable to have? Because transits of Jupiter identify special opportunities for success, popularity, good fortune (luck), and gains in life when under harmonious aspects and used correctly. However, they can also indicate periods of potential misjudgment leading to losses if Jupiter is afflicted and the individual is not properly prepared. As an added bonus, each transit is ranked from –3 to +3 in terms of favorability for trading. Traders may find this most valuable! Would you like to know when you are most prone to trading successes or potential losses? You betcha! Stay tuned for information on how to order your personalized Jupiter report for the next year!

 NOTE 4: The MMA Weekly YouTube show, “Geocosmic Week in Review and Look Ahead,” with Gianni Di Poce, is conducted on Wednesday evenings! Each 5- to 20-minute FREE episode reviews the previous week’s market activity and offers a preview of the geocosmic signatures in effect for the coming week and beyond. This week’s interview is with MMA Energy and Silver analyst Pouyan Zolfagharnia.

NOTE 5: MMA’s Free Weekly Column Podcast Is Available on SPOTIFY, APPLE, and AMAZON! Now, you can listen to a podcast of this weekly column by Thomas Miller on Saturdays! Just follow Merriman Market Analyst on Spotify or Apple to listen to all our episodes. A new podcast episode will be released every weekend. This is a FREE service and is available to everyone. Check out our podcasts on Apple, Spotify, and Amazon Music. It makes for great listening!

NOTE 6: THE AUGUST MMA MONTHLY CYCLES REPORT was issued last week. Each monthly MMA Cycles Report covers the outlook in the U.S. stock market, Gold, Silver, Copper, Treasuries, the Euro currency, Crude Oil, and Soybeans. The MMA Monthly Cycles Report also provides MMA’s original geocosmic critical reversal dates (CRDs) and solar/lunar reversal dates for the upcoming weeks, as well as trading strategies for position and aggressive traders. If you want to try out a one-month subscription to the MMA Monthly Cycles Report, you can sign up for the August Report and also receive MMA’s Special Stock Market Update issued the week before that for only $35! Or save by ordering a three-month or one-year subscription.


 September 19–22, 2024: MMA’s 2024 Investment Retreat. Save the dates!!! We will be hosting the MMA 2024 Investment Retreat in Europe for the first time since 2015. You won’t want to miss this chance to meet with the top MMA analysts (plus special guest speakers Claude Weiss and Aleksandar Imsiragic) live and hear our long-term investment and wealth-building strategies using MMA market-timing methods. Learn when and at what price to scale in on the 18-year cycle in world stock indices, which is now entering the time band for perhaps the best long-term investment opportunities in over a decade. The location is the beautiful Lake Bled in Slovenia, a premier (and affordable) destination in the Julian Alps, with a historic castle nestled in the mountains where the Saturday evening banquet will take place. The cost is $3500 (10% discount for subscribers of MMA Daily or Weekly reports, as well as one-year monthly reports). Click here to register! The event will be available in person or online. For a brochure, click here.

March 7-9, 2025: Cosmic Patterns Inc. presents its Convergence 2025 conference in Orlando, Florida. This will be one of the top astrological conferences of 2025 and will include a track on “Research and Financial Markets.” MMA market analysts Ray Merriman, Gianni Di Poce, Pouyan Zolfagharnia, Ulric Aspegrén, and Wiebke Held will speak, along with well-known financial astrologer Christeen Skinner of the U.K. There will also be several well-known professional astrologers speaking, including Lynn Bell, Charlotte Benson, Öner Döşer, Pam Gallagher, Demetra George, Aleksandar Imsiragic, Dr. Lea Imsiragic, Rick Levine, Darri Low Murphy, Anne Ortelee, Joni Patry, Kathy Rose, Gisele Terry, and Fei Cochrane. For further information, please go to You can also hear and read about this exciting gathering on YouTube (click here). Looking forward to seeing many of you there!


Disclaimer and statement of purpose: The purpose of this column is not to forecast the future movement of various financial markets. However, that is the purpose of the MMA (Merriman Market Analyst) subscription services. This column is not a subscription service. It is a free service, except in those cases where a fee may be assessed to cover the cost of translating this column from English into a non-English language. This weekly report is written with the intent to educate the reader on the relationship between astrological factors and collective human activities as they are happening. In this regard, this report will often cite what happened in various stock and financial markets throughout the world in the past week and discuss that movement in light of the geocosmic signatures that were in effect. It will then identify the geocosmic factors that will be in effect in the next week, or even month, or even years, and the author’s understanding of how these signatures may affect human activity in the times to come. The author (Merriman) will do this from the perspective of a cycles analyst looking at the military, political, economic, and even financial markets of the world. It is possible that some forecasts will be made based on these factors. However, the primary goal is to both educate and alert the reader as to the psychological climate we are in from an astrological perspective. The hope is that it will help the reader understand the psychological dynamics that underlie (or coincide with) the news events and their potential effect on financial markets.


No guarantee as to the accuracy of this report is being made here. Any decisions in financial markets are solely the responsibility of the reader, and neither the author nor the publishers of this column assume any responsibility whatsoever for anyone’s trading or investment decisions. Readers of this report should understand that commodity futures and options trading are considered high-risk.