March 14, 2025
Consumer sentiment took another hit in March as worries intensified over inflation and a slumping stock market, according to the University of Michigan’s latest sentiment survey released Friday. The survey posted a mid-month reading of 57.9, which represents a 10.5% decline from February and was below the Dow Jones consensus estimate for 63.2. The reading was 27.1% below a year ago and was the lowest since November 2022…. Though the measure is often prone to disparities between parties, survey officials said sentiment slumped across partisan lines along with virtually all demographics.
— Jeff Cox, “Consumer Sentiment Slumps in March,”, March 14, 2025.
It was another wild and whacky week for global stock indices. It was also a week that clearly illustrated the importance of geocosmic signatures as a valuable market timing indicator for trend reversals. March 11 was a three-star geocosmic critical reversal date highlighted in our recent market reports (monthly, weekly, and daily). In our Forecast 2025 book, it was given as March 7-10, one trading day earlier. March 11 happened to be the exact date that many global indexes made their new multi-month lows, with several registering double-digit declines from their recent highs for the first time since 2022, which was another forecast highlighted in this year’s Forecast 2025 book.
In Europe, the major indices we track made important weekly lows on March 11, down somewhat sharply from all-time highs made on March 3-6, right after Venus turned retrograde on Sunday, March 2.
In Asia and the Pacific Rim, the Japanese Nikkei and Australian ASX indices bottomed on March 11-12, respectively, plummeting to their lowest levels since August- September 2024. India’s NIFTY index had already done the same the prior week when it fell to its lowest level since June 2024. The story was different in China and Hong Kong, where the Shanghai Composite rallied to its highest mark since early December, and the Hang Seng soared to its highest price in three years during the previous week. The Hang Seng paused last week but didn’t turn bearish. What is this saying about the shift of economic power in the world?
In the U.S., the NASDAQ dropped to its lowest level since September 11 last week, on March 11. The DJIA and S&P did the same two days later. Brazil’s Bovespa staged a powerful rally on Friday after making a multi-week double-bottom low on March 7 and 11.
Gold was a star last week, exploding to a new all-time high of 3017 on Friday, cutting short its primary cycle low as of February 28, one trading day before Venus turned retrograde and only 4 trading days after its primary cycle crest on February 24, which was just the first trading day after Mars turned direct. That was perhaps the shortest decline to a primary cycle low from a primary cycle high in the history of Gold, but it fits the nature of Mars and Venus changing directions so close in time to one another. Silver also had a great week, soaring to its highest price since October 24 after putting in a half-primary cycle low on February 28 as Venus turned retrograde that weekend.
Other financial and commodity markets also performed in accordance with geocosmics. Venus rules Soybeans, and they made an important low and double bottom on March 4 and 12, respectively. Crude also made a double bottom and muti-month low on March 5 and 11. Bitcoin also dropped to its lowest levels in six months on March 11, while Ethereum bottomed the same day but at its lowest level going back to October 2023.
The question now is whether these lows (and highs) are temporary, or will they resume their counter-trend moves into April 12 when Venus turns direct?
Here comes that Trickster again. Mercury turns retrograde at 9° 35’ Aries on Saturday, March 15, lasting through April 7. This may be a particularly badass cycle for two reasons. First, the planet of communication and ideas is not only retrograde, where miscommunication and misunderstandings are often highlighted more than usual, but it is taking place in the “badass” sign of Aries, where rhetoric may be pointed and sharp, as if in a mood for an argument. In Aries, Mercury can think and respond very quickly. In retrograde, an overly quick reply can happen before one thinks things out clearly, coming across more as an insult than intelligence. Don’t mess with anyone who is not in the mood for a civil discussion.
Second, this 3-week Mercury retrograde cycle is taking place within a greater 6-week Venus retrograde cycle that also started in Aries, another badass combination. Here we have the planet that thinks in terms of partnerships, alliances, agreements, and “we,” trying to make peace with the sign that thinks in terms of “me.” In other words, it can come across as “I want us to do what I want.” It can be manipulative if the other person’s needs are not given equal weight to one’s own needs. The result can also be argumentative in those cases, with one side leaving the party alone. No friendship with benefits here unless we do what I want us to do!
There is actually a third issue at work as both planets will retrograde over Neptune, which is straddling the border of Pisces and Aries. This will be exact during the last week of March. Mercury retrograde itself often has communication issues (not enough facts or information to make an informed decision or response). However, with Neptune involved, this issue of misunderstanding or misdirection in communications is likely compounded. Be careful what you think is real. Things may not be as they appear, and false theories or propaganda may cloud one’s judgement of truth. Markets may be prone to rumors, so be alert for the “buy the rumor, sell the fact” phenomenon – or the opposite. It’s possible that the last week of March may determine if the stock market has really turned back up or if it is in the midst of an ongoing bearish trend.
I have often referred to the period of November 25, 2024, through April 12, 2025, as “retrograde chaos” as all the personal planets (Mercury, Mars, and Venus) enter their retrograde cycles back-to-back. Yes, this can be an excellent time to review and adjust plans for the future. But it can also be a time of great turbulence and disruption that follows a pattern of start-stop-start again-stop again. It can make for a climate of “What the heck is happening?” It can be very confusing, even surreal. It can be fine for meditation and exploration of inner awareness. But for functioning in the external world, not so much.
The point I want to make is that this period when both Mercury and Venus are retrograde and conjoining Neptune, which is changing signs from Pisces (the last sign) to Aries (the first sign), is probably a peak in confusion and uncertainty. Generally speaking, global stock financial markets do not like this, although a case can be made that they represent a period of counter-trend moves. We note that many market cycles are more prone to distortions during this overlap period as well (say late February through mid-April), where cycles end early (contraction) or later (expansion) than the norm (80% of historical cases).
The trouble with trade wars is that once they begin they can quickly escalate and get out of control. All the more so… when Mr. Trump behaves as if his manhood is implicated because a foreign nation won’t take his nasty border taxes lying down. We said from the beginning that this North American trade war is the dumbest in history, and we were being kind.
— The Editorial Board, “How Do You Like the Trade War Now?” Wall Street Journal, Review & Outlook column, March 11, 2025.
Tariffs are import taxes paid in the importing nation. Canada, Mexico, China and the European Union won’t be pouring billions of dollars into U.S. coffers. The Trump administration will be taxing American importers, who won’t be able to absorb fully the increased costs and must shift some of the burden to consumers by increasing prices. Despite his professed business acumen, it has never been clear that Mr. Trump understands this.
— William A. Galston, “Trump Bets the Economy on Tariffs,” Wall Street Journal, March 11, 2025.
“Tariffs” is not the most beautiful word in the English language. Instead, it has now become synonymous with coercion and as a policy, it is leading to the “dumbest trade war in history,” according to the Wall Street Journal and other leading economists. How do we astrologically explain the obsession with tariffs by the U.S. president?
Trade and commerce are ruled by Jupiter (world) and Mercury (distribution networks and supply routes). Their ruling signs are also important (Sagittarius and Pisces for Jupiter, Gemini and Virgo for Mercury). To gain insight into this phenomenon, we look at the current transits to one other and their signs, plus the chart of the creator of this highly chaotic policy, President Trump.
To start with, Jupiter is in its detriment sign of Gemini. Mercury, ruler of Gemini, is now turning retrograde in Aries. This is not necessarily bad (it can be badass, though), but it can indicate over-reach and over-confidence in one’s ideas involving messaging and trade policies, which can be riddled with conflicts.
On the one hand, the Trump tariffs are supposed to lead to a more level playing field, where the amounts charged by one country are equal to the amounts charged by the other. So there is that, which most people understand and support. On the other hand, if the U.S. increases tariffs on imports, companies will have to pay more to receive foreign goods, and that increase will be passed on to the consumer, resulting in either higher prices or a shortage of materials needed to produce goods in demand by the public. A shortage of goods and materials needed for production will also increase prices. Although the “purpose” of tariffs is said to protect American manufacturing, the result may actually lead to a slowdown in the economy and, hence, layoffs and rising unemployment as consumers pare back their purchases. The stock market sees this and does not like what it sees on the horizon.
Mr. Trump and his followers apparently do not give any weight to this possibility. They think he is a genius, the smartest man in the room. Perhaps this is due to his Sun in Gemini (intelligence) conjunct Uranus (off the charts, a bent towards arrogance, but could be either incredibly brilliant or whacko, or both depending on the day). Plus, he is born under a lunar eclipse with the Moon in the confident or over-reaching sign of Sagittarius (“never enough, always too much”). It is not a combination lending itself to consistency and common sense despite claims to the contrary.
Going back to the astrology of current transits, we note that the cosmos is fast approaching the most important aspect of the year in mid-June when Jupiter (expansion and exaggeration) will square (challenging) Saturn and Neptune (conflict between reality/truth versus wishful thinking/propaganda). This would appear to be the height of confusion regarding a trade war, which could (if not contained and moderated) lead to a financial mini-panic (orb can be as much as 4 months).
But the cosmic seeds of this disruption and potential hysteria will already be in effect this month, as both Mercury (commerce) and Venus (love and money) will retrograde over Neptune (confusion, illusion, and delusion) as it enters Aries (attempted coercion or even bullying, in this case) in the last week of March. During this same month, transiting Saturn (criticism, skepticism) will square President Trump’s natal lunar eclipse (Sun/Moon), suggesting dissatisfaction and delays with his policies. It is not usually a time of growing popularity, but rather the opposite.
If these policies are not revised, the president risks being the first Republican in office of the 20th and 21st centuries not to see the DJIA make an all-time high. He also risks joining other Republican presidents who oversaw a stock market crash exceeding 30%, something that no Democrat has experienced. If that happens, he will join George W. Bush and Herbert Hoover as the only U.S. presidents who oversaw two financial crises under their watch, during which the stock market fell over 35%.
Do I think a stock market crash or recession is likely? I believe the odds have increased substantially since January 20. As mentioned in Forecast 2025, I also think the U.S. stock market will register at least two double-digit declines by November. The last double-digit decline in U.S. stock indices was three years ago. And now, one of those double-digit stock market declines is underway as of last week.
NOTE 1: The March issue of the MMA Monthly Cycles Report will be released this week, March 20-21. With the “Retrograde Chaos” cycle fully in force but set to end next month, this will be an important issue for monthly investment planning, especially regarding the U.S. stock market and Gold. Each issue covers our outlook for the U.S. stock market, Gold, Silver, Copper, Treasuries, the Euro currency, Crude Oil, and Soybeans. Trend reversal possibilities are higher than usual as we approach the end of Venus retrograde in mid-April!!! The MMA Monthly Cycles Report also provides MMA’s original geocosmic critical reversal dates (CRDs) and solar/lunar reversal dates over the next several weeks, along with trading strategies for position traders. If you would like to try a one-month subscription to the MMA Monthly Cycles Report, you can sign up for the March Report for only $35! Or save by ordering a three-report or twelve-report subscription.
NOTE 2: Astrology University will be conducting its annual online Astrological Summit next weekend, on March 22-23. The theme will be “Historic Planetary Shifts: Navigate the Dawn of a New Astrological Era,” featuring 12 of the world’s finest astrologers, including Ray Merriman, Steven Forrest, Mark Jones, Kelly Surtees, Melanie Reinhart, Brian Clark, and others. Ray’s presentation, ”ENTERING THE ‘ARIES VORTEX’ OF 2025-2026: CHAOS AND OPPORTUNITY,” will take place at 2 PM EST on March 22. For further information and enrollment, visit or click here.
NOTE 3: THE “JUPITER REPORT“ — YOUR MOMENTS OF OPPORTUNITY — IS NOW AVAILABLE. This newest product is written by Raymond Merriman. It is a 30- to 40-page report that all traders (and even non-traders) will find highly valuable. It identifies the times during the year when Jupiter transits are highlighted in your natal chart. It delineates the meaning of Jupiter’s transits to your natal planets and angles over a 14-month period (including one month before your order and one month after the year ends). As an added bonus, each transit is ranked on a scale from –3 to +3 in terms of favorability for trading. Traders may find this especially valuable! Would you like to know when you are under a +3 transit and, therefore, most likely to experience trading successes? Or a –3 transit with stronger-than-usual potential for misjudgments and losses? You betcha! The cost for your 14-month Jupiter Report is $69. Click here to order!!!
NOTE 4: THE MMA Solar-Lunar App now offers reversal signals on the NASDAQ to all subscribers! The app now provides daily weighted values for four markets: the DJIA, NASDAQ, Gold, and Silver.
This app is an ideal tool to have in your back pocket if you are a short-term swing trader looking for high-probability dates that identify isolated lows and highs in the DJIA, NASDAQ, Gold, and Silver markets. It is available only on Apple products (iPhone and iPad) at this time, although we are getting close to developing it for Android phones as well, possibly by the end of this year.
To learn more about the MMA App, click here. To order it, go to the Apple App Store and search for Merriman Solar/Lunar Reversals.
NOTE 5: The MMA Weekly YouTube show, “Geocosmic Week in Review and Look Ahead,” with Gianni Di Poce, is conducted on Wednesday evenings! Each 5- to 20-minute FREE episode reviews the previous week’s market activity and offers a preview of the geocosmic signatures in effect for the coming week and beyond.
NOTE 6: MMA’s Free Weekly Column Podcast Is Available on SPOTIFY, APPLE, and AMAZON! Now you can listen to a podcast of this weekly column, narrated by Thomas Miller, every Saturday! Thomas has an excellent voice and brings the weekly column to life in a personable and, at times, humorous fashion. Just follow Merriman Market Analyst on Spotify or Apple to listen to all our episodes. A new podcast episode will be released every weekend. This is a FREE service and is available to everyone. Check out our podcasts on Apple, Spotify, and Amazon Music. It makes for great listening!
MARCH 22: “Entering the Aries Vortex: Chaos and Opportunity” with Ray Merriman at the Astrology University Summit on “The New Air and Fire Era.” Featuring 12 of the world’s top-notch astrologers speaking on “The Big Shift of 2025.”
APRIL 15, 2025: Registration opens for MMTA4, our two-year training program that will begin September 13, 2025. Stay tuned!
Disclaimer and statement of purpose: The purpose of this column is not to forecast the future movement of various financial markets. However, that is the purpose of the MMA (Merriman Market Analyst) subscription services. This column is not a subscription service. It is a free service, except in those cases where a fee may be assessed to cover the cost of translating this column from English into a non-English language. This weekly report is written with the intent of educating the reader on the relationship between astrological factors and collective human activities as they occur. In this regard, this report will often cite what happened in various stock and financial markets throughout the world in the past week and discuss those movements in light of the geocosmic signatures that were in effect. It will then identify the geocosmic factors that will be in effect in the next week, month, or even years and the author’s understanding of how these signatures may affect human activity in the times to come. The author (Merriman) will do this from the perspective of a cycles analyst looking at the military, political, economic, and even financial markets of the world. It is possible that some forecasts will be made based on these factors. However, the primary goal is to both educate and alert the reader as to the psychological climate we are in from an astrological perspective. The hope is that it will help the reader understand the psychological dynamics that underlie (or coincide with) the news events and their potential effect on financial markets.
No guarantee as to the accuracy of this report is being made here. Any decisions in financial markets are solely the responsibility of the reader, and neither the author nor the publishers of this column assume any responsibility whatsoever for anyone’s trading or investment decisions. Readers of this report should understand that commodity futures and options trading are considered high-risk.