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October 11, 2024

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Due to Saturday’s webinar on the U.S. Presidential Election, there will be no free weekly column this week. Instead, we will reprint a chapter from the Forecast 2023 Book relating to Saturn entering Pisces at that time. These very principles will climax in 2025 as Saturn and Neptune both ingress back and forth between Pisces and Aries next year. Thus, the outlook will still be useful in defining important issues as we prepare for the Forecast 2025 Book that is available now for preorder and will be released in December 2024.

We will resume our free weekly forecast column next week. In the meantime, we hope to see many of you at Saturday’s webinar, which will be broadcast live from Tucson, AZ at 1PM PDT (4PM EDT).


Truth should be stubborn things, right? Not in today’s society. Lies, extremism, and the manipulation of reality seem to be common themes today. Indeed, humans famously make and commit to decisions even when they don’t have all the facts, and in some cases, those leaps to conclusions make some accept conspiracy theories and other misinformation. Civic life suffers because of these malevolent forces. Turmoil, anxiety, and a sense that society is in jeopardy lead to the kind of polarization that makes winning an argument more important than understanding opponents’ viewpoints.

-Andrea Gawrylewski, “Truth vs. Lies: The Science of Misinformation and Deception and How to Know What’s Real,” Scientific American, Fall 2022.

Truth is a difficult concept to define and a harder reality to grasp. Some might even say it is negotiable since it means different things to different people at different times and in different situations. In the study of astrology, “truth” may be interpreted as a blending of Saturn and Neptune, where Saturn represents the physical reality of the outer world in which we exist and function, and Neptune the inner realm in which beliefs are woven together from a complexity of interpretations and meanings derived from personal experiences, which furthermore gives rise to faith (or lack thereof).

Saturn is the fourth outermost planet in the solar system. It spends 29 years orbiting the Sun, which means it occupies each sign for 2-3 years. On March 7, 2023, it begins its transit through Pisces, where it will remain through May 25, 2025, when it ingresses for the first of two times into Aries. That is, its initial entrance into Aries will last only slightly more than three months, from May 25 through September 1, 2025, after which it retrogrades back into Pisces for five months. It turns direct and returns to Aries on February 14, 2026. Days later, it conjoins Neptune on February 20, 2026, which by that time has also just ingressed into Aries. They skip over the boundary of the end and beginning of signs within a few days of one another, which is quite remarkable and a cosmic indication that something powerful and long-lasting may be unfolding that has a universal, global impact. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the principles of Saturn and Neptune, as well as their ruling signs of Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces, during these next three years.

To start with, Saturn and Neptune are opposites, yet mirrors, of one another. Saturn considers the phenomenal world as reality and the inner world of one’s thoughts, beliefs, and faith as illusory. Neptune considers the inner world of beliefs and faith as true reality and the outer world as transitory and an illusion. In the field of psychology, these two planets and their ruling signs (Capricorn and Pisces) contain more themes related to abnormal or dysfunctional psychological states than any of the other planetary archetypes.

So, what happens when these two planets and their ruling signs are highlighted from 2023 through 2026? What role do they play in the dramas unfolding between the threats of primitive-future wars and the possibility of an intellectual, artistic, technological, spiritual, and communications-based renaissance? Let’s consider several themes that can play out on the world stage, starting first with the best-case scenarios supporting the possibility of a resumed renaissance (that started with the Capricorn Climax period of 1988-1993) and ending with the worst-case possibilities of disaster. Bear in mind, these are only possibilities, but possibilities that have a basis in astrological principles with practical manifestations.



There is no religion higher than Truth,

No science deeper than Love,

No art greater than being a Human Being.

– Robert Thibodeau, “Hermetic Rosicrucian Grail Tarot,”, Berkley, Michigan, 2022.


Think of Saturn as law or principles. It needs structures, rules, and guidelines in order to function and succeed in the accomplishment of goals. Without rules for behavior and activity, and without the discipline and even force to follow those rules, one is lost and unlikely to successfully complete the effort and reach the goal. But this doesn’t just apply to the individual. It applies to everyone – especially those involved with the individual on the mission. Without an agreement (stated or unstated) to follow these rules and guidelines and a willingness to stick to a schedule and the plan, the effort loses momentum and falls behind as time goes on. There must be control in order to administer the plan and schedule, and someone (or several) is assigned the role to manage. Someone has to have authority to make decisions and supervise, or there is no control or pathway to follow. And without control and a path or map to guide the mission, failure, delay, or non-completion is the likely outcome. And Saturn cannot tolerate failure.

Think of Neptune and its ruling sign of Pisces as the spiritual plane, the realm of inner peace and quiet, a consciousness in which transcendence is sought, and aestheticism practiced. And then ask yourself: Why do people seek this path? What do they have to do in order to follow it? They seek this path because they want enlightenment and to learn a talent or practice that allows them to experience inner peace, perhaps even an escape from stress and the pressure of everyday, ordinary life, or even boredom and loneliness. And in the process of walking this path, they learn the importance of virtuous thoughts and actions (sometimes called “right thought” or “right action”) and the value of discipline. In fact, it is only through discipline that these transcendent experiences can be attained and mastered. And discipline is one of the primary tools in Saturn’s cosmic toolkit.

Combining the principles of Saturn with Neptune and Pisces, therefore, implies an increased awareness of spiritual mastery and practices, as well as the virtues extolled by every religion and spiritual practice to attain these aesthetic goals of self-realization.

With this planetary combination, the world is likely to hear more from people of faith and spiritual practices, who exhibit a heightened awareness of the value of virtuous behavior and actions. They may become more involved and visible in governance and politics, ushering in a new form of political leadership throughout the world. At its best, Saturn combined with Neptune and Pisces represents a new era of compassion expressed by world leaders, the willingness to extend the hand of help to those who suffer or are struggling with conflicts and anxieties. These types of leaders are strong because they have discipline and the commitment to exhibit acts of virtue and care. Furthermore, this is a time (2023-2026) when the populations of the world yearn for that kind of commitment and authenticity. But to succeed, they must understand the demand to constantly exhibit accountability, transparency, and the responsibility (Saturn) that this type of leadership requires in order to maintain the support of the people. It’s not easy, but there is an urgency on the part of the collective that someone has to do it (or is meant to do it), and that type of leader is probably visible during that time.

In any event, leaders know that it may be easy to rise to the top of the pedestal. It is harder, however, to stay atop the pedestal that others place you upon. You have to be committed. You have to be disciplined. You have to be authentically principled and aware of the power of virtue at all times. It’s a lot to ask. But with Saturn in Pisces headed toward Neptune, it is possible that such leaders (or a leader) are among us and recognized by the majority of their constituents.



When there is a hero, there is always a villain.

– Vishwajeet Pradhan

To rescue others in need is part of the domain of Neptune and Pisces. Those who commit acts of bravery, compassion, and selfless sacrifice to benefit or help others are exalted to the realm of heroes today.

The world is entering a time when it is likely to be searching for heroes, for those they can believe in and trust (Neptune and Pisces). Often these individuals are underdogs who may fight for causes that others admire but in which the odds are greatly against them. Think of the mythological stature of David versus Goliath, where no one expected the giant to lose. He was too large, too powerful, and David was only a boy with a slingshot. In this story, Goliath symbolizes Saturn. He seemed to have all the control and strength to repress others as he wished. Goliath could not be defeated. David was going to be easily destroyed. Yet David, Neptune, was the underdog and everyone wanted him to defeat the giant. And when he did, David became the hero.

There are likely David and Goliath stories unfolding today, with more to come in the next three years. Who is threatening to destroy? Who is the hero who is committed to defending and rescuing his/her people? Who will win in the end? Saturn and Neptune is the epic battle between the two sides of this conflict. Virtue wins if one is both willing to sacrifice and be committed to the Saturn principles of discipline, organization, management, and honesty as well as upholding the trust of those that they serve. This is one of the storylines of Saturn in Pisces, moving toward Neptune in Pisces, and both are preparing to cross the threshold into Aries together in early 2026.



To understand more completely the meaning of Saturn transiting through Pisces and approaching Neptune, ruler of Pisces, in 2023-2026, we have to see it in the context of Pluto first leaving Capricorn and entering Aquarius, 2023-2025. With Pluto in Capricorn, there is a tendency towards obsession (Pluto) with control (Capricorn and Saturn). One might also view this as a signature of “obsessive ambition,” where the thrust of one’s activity is driven to achieve some sort of outcome defined as success. Usually, this is in a very materialistic or political sense, as in “I want to rule the world” or “rule the group or the company/organization.” With such a driven ambition (Pluto in Capricorn), one can become dismissive of Neptunian matters like compassion, relaxation, leisure, and pleasure.

Since Saturn and Capricorn rule time, Pluto in Capricorn often has no time to do anything that is not in alignment with its obsessive ambition to rise to the top, to the status of absolute control and power over others. Pluto may give one power, but it takes away time or crunches it to the point that one feels compelled to do so much (too much) in so little time. Moving into Aquarius, the sense of power is a little different. Rather than being trapped with so much to do in so little time, Pluto in Aquarius begins to equate power with freedom. The collective urge is to become free of the drive and demands to do so much in so little time, typified by Pluto in Capricorn.

This shift from ambition and control to freedom is exemplified by Pluto moving from Capricorn to Aquarius but has a willing accomplice in Saturn moving from Aquarius into Pisces. The control sought by Saturn now shifts to a more Piscean or Neptunian theme of relaxation, leisure, and pleasure. It is as if to say, “I want to spend less time trying to conquer the world (my world) and more time in pleasurable activities where time is unimportant.” In other words, in 2023-2026, a shift is likely to take place away from ambition and an emphasis on achieving power and control to one of “chilling out.” People are going to want to “chill more,” work less, and have more personal freedom.

In this regard, the realm of “work” may become less formal and the realm of “quality time outside of work” more in demand. Expect an increase in the movement to a shorter work week, perhaps involving fewer hours in a workday or a switch from a 5-day to a 4-day work week, or both. It’s already underway in parts of Europe. Saturn is time, while Neptune and Pisces are values placed upon privacy. People will want more time to spend in their private lives, perhaps with close friends and family. The desire for privacy becomes more of a premium.

These, then, are some of the more positive themes suggested by the principles of Saturn, Neptune, and Pisces over the next three years. Now let us look at the more problematic themes that could manifest related to Saturn’s conflict in its connections with  Neptune and Pisces.



 A mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy, or exaggerated self-importance, typically elaborated into an organized system. It may be an aspect of chronic personality disorder. Suspicion and mistrust of people or their actions without evidence or justification. Definition of paranoia, Oxford Languages, on Google.

In analyzing the meaning of Saturn interacting with Pisces and its approach to Neptune, let’s consider the core issue of these combinations, which is trust versus mistrust.

Saturn is, by nature, skeptical. It wants hard proof before agreeing with or doing anything. It demands evidence or logic to back up any claim of “truth,” “reality,” or the projection of an outcome. Neptune, on the other hand, is by nature naïve, perhaps too trusting, and therefore vulnerable to being taken advantage of by others. Neptune governs the realm of fantasies, and wishful thinking, as well as intuition and the desire to “do good.” However, it often lacks objectivity and discernment when dealing with conditions in the outer, external world.

On another level, Saturn crystallizes and hardens one’s views of life-based on experiences and the interpretation of those experiences. When one’s sense of trust is violated, the original reaction, per Neptune, invokes feelings of hurt and disappointment. But that can quickly morph into something much more self-debilitating, for hurt feelings are the gateway to anger and outrage. When unchecked and taken to an extreme, it can escalate into acts of revenge for a perceived personal offense.

A basic impediment to world peace today is the climate of fear that has been aroused over the possibility of a nuclear war as threatened by the leadership of Russia. This behavior, and the reasons given behind it by the Russian leadership, precisely fits the definition of paranoia as given above. That is, both sides of the Russia-versus-the-West divide are distrustful of one another. Additionally, the behavior and threats levied by the Russian leadership are arguably the exhibition of delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy, or exaggerated self-importance, typically elaborated into an organized system.

 The leadership of Russia has convinced itself and its followers that the U.S., Ukraine, and many Western democracies are “satanic” and Russia must be the one to purge this evil threat to the world. There are a host of events cited by backers of this leadership that supposedly prove this claim and therefore justify the invasion of Ukraine and the brutal slaughter of human lives (both Ukrainians and Russia’s own soldiers). In other words, the Russian leader – Vladimir Putin – feels violated, deceived, betrayed, and persecuted. Never mind that this is also a case of psychological projection, for he himself has violated, deceived, betrayed, and persecuted (even murdered, allegedly) others who have posed a threat to him.

This is a real-time example of how the principles of the Saturn/Neptune/Pisces combination in conflict can get out of control and manifest as a clear and present danger to the world, especially in the later stages of Pluto’s transit through Capricorn (obsessive ambition to rule the world) and into the revolutionary sign of Aquarius (power is freedom and vice-versa). Similar cases of paranoia and the danger of violence that can follow as a result can be seen in other current situations, such as the ongoing claims of election fraud in the 2020 election in the United States. Those delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy, or exaggerated self-importance, typically elaborated into an organized system, led to a storming of the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, with the intent to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

We cannot rule out that such acts driven by paranoia may cause yet further violence in future national elections in the U.S. by those who have bought into the argument that elections are rigged (i.e., if one’s candidate is not the victor, regardless of party). This is not to say that those who believe elections are corrupt are incorrect in their claims, but they cannot be proved or disproved by existing facts. Furthermore, the effect of fermenting such doubt in the integrity of elections can become the ruination of democracy. So can the corruption of an election if it can be proven and is still allowed. In the meantime, the feelings of persecution belonging to those who feel “cheated” can rapidly accelerate into actions leading to violence and great harm – even death – to many innocent people, as well as foster an irrational sense of distrust by their followers in the very systems needed to govern – like elections. The actions of leaders who live in a state of paranoia have created an enormously unstable and dangerous world. This is the climate being inherited with Pluto entering Aquarius combined with Saturn entering Pisces, following Saturn square Uranus. It is the making of a cosmic apocalypse that could soon manifest as a geopolitical apocalypse if not called out and corrected.

Instead of acting out paranoiac delusions of persecution caused by a sense of mistrust of others, it would be more constructive if leaders would meet and try to work out these perceived causes of mistrust. Trust can only be built by communication. But of course, this is easier said than done, especially when paranoia (mistrust) has burrowed so deeply into one’s psyche to the point it has become an entrenched personality disorder. At that point, it is hard to dislodge, and it becomes a clear and present threat to the security of the community, the nation, and the world. Perhaps the offer of a safe harbor (this is also a symbol of Saturn in Pisces) to these paranoid individuals could be negotiated whereby they can be removed quietly from the world stage where they create so much havoc and fear. Their fear is of imprisonment or even death, also a Saturn/Neptune topic. But perhaps there is another option of containment that would remove their threat to a world that wishes peace (Pisces) and freedom (Aquarius). The solution could be found in the next three years. If not, it’s going to be a long and difficult slog for humanity.



When the truth is found

To be lies

And all the joy

Within you dies

Don’t you want somebody to love

Don’t you need somebody to love

Wouldn’t you love somebody to love

You better find somebody to love

-Darby Slick, “Somebody to Love,” sung by his sister-in-law Grace Slick of the Jefferson Airplane, RCA Victor, 1966


Mistrust can also be activated by any act that violates a sense of trust or faith through such actions as lies, distortions, deceptions, and conscious omissions of relevant information that allow one to make choices in their best interest. This, too, falls under the combination of Saturn, Neptune, and Pisces.

Saturn requires facts and logic as well as honesty, accountability, and integrity in dealings with others if mutual trust is to be established. Neptune assumes these qualities inherent in trust are present, in itself or the other person, until it is too late. Neptune, in this expression, is either too naïve to see the underlying motives of others who may be deceptive, or they themselves may be the deceivers, believing that others will not catch them in the act of deception. To accomplish the deception, one can resort to lies, distortions, distractions, and the omission of relevant information in order to build a convincing storyline. In its extreme, these are tools used in acts of corruption. Thus, Saturn not integrating well with Neptune can be very dishonest. It can spread gossip and false rumors that damage the reputation of others who may be innocent of the slander. Those who are on the receiving end of such a betrayal would be well advised to intercept this assault and tell the correct story before it is too late.

On the other hand, Saturn integrating well with Neptune can be very honest and trustworthy. It’s all a matter of how one chooses to think and act where matters of trust are concerned: be honest, be the victim, or be the one who victimizes others. It’s a choice, and the choice determines the outcome for both parties.

In this regard, how one chooses to use words and phrases is important in the establishment of trust (Neptune) and credibility (Saturn). Words and phrases have meanings that are universally understood based on consensus reality. When one distorts the meaning of those words and phrases in order to elevate their personal status or authority, it usually has the opposite result. They lose credibility and trust. For instance, when an incursion into Ukraine is labeled a “Special Operation” to purge that nation of illegal activity when in reality, it is a full-blown invasion designed to annex and take over the country, it is a distortion of the facts and an omission of relevant information related to the true underlying motive. One loses the trust of the world leader with these kinds of distortions, which certainly have not been limited to the leadership of Russia. It can also be seen in the leadership of the United States throughout this entire 21st century, where every president has created narratives and used words and phrases to further a positive image of their policies and decisions. In such cases, the truth becomes distorted. Claiming that the evacuation of Afghanistan by the U.S. President, for instance, was “an extraordinary success” (Reuters, August 31, 2021) is not a truth shared by most people who saw the events broadcast on TV.

Many other examples could be cited. And many more will be cited in 2023-2026, demonstrating how distortions and misuse of words and phrases undermine one’s credibility and trust with the public. At their worst, these types of deceptions, lies, omissions, and distortions can lead to revelations of deeper corruption and dishonesty at very high levels. With Saturn, Neptune, and Pisces highlighted, people want leaders in positions of authority whom they can believe in, look up to, and even idolize as heroes. When the hero falls off the pedestal through such acts of deception and distortion, a terrible sense of disillusionment and betrayal are the results. These episodes will not bode well for leaders who are not truthful and authentic.



 A medical advisory group to the federal government has just recommended that all adult Americans age 19 to 64 be screened for anxiety. Earlier this year, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommended anxiety screening for children 8 to 18. The ultimate pandemic is now life itself. The task force’s recommendation will be significant if support builds for its adoption as standard care. That would move what most people consider a recurring condition of life—such as happiness or sadness—closer to something that would be submissible for control by formal institutions, including the state.

  – Daniel Henninger, “The Next Pandemic: Anxiety Over Life Itself,” Wall Street Journal, September 28, 2022.

Saturn and Neptune, as well as Pisces, the sign that Neptune rules are relevant to both physical and mental health. The midpoint between Saturn and Neptune is said to represent the weakest part of one’s body. In the Forecast 2021 Book, a research study was presented on the deadliest pandemics in world history. The conclusion was that the vast majority of pandemics happened when Saturn and Neptune, or their solstice point, were in a hard aspect to one another. The fact that Saturn will be in Neptune’s home sign of Pisces 2023-2026, and even in conjunction with Neptune itself on February 20, 2026, speaks to the vulnerability of humans to weakness in both physical and mental states.

Let’s address the physical first. If Saturn/Neptune points to physical weakness, then we may regard Saturn as the physical and skeletal body– the bones and skin as well as teeth and nails. Neptune pertains to the blood cells of the organism, as well as vision. One’s ability to fight off (or develop) infections is related to Neptune in the natal chart.

It is not coincidental that the creation of much of one’s blood cells takes place in the bone marrow. According to the NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms, Red marrow contains blood stem cells that can become red blood cells, white blood cells, or platelets.” In other words, it is in the bones (Saturn) in which these blood cells (Neptune) are manufactured.

Furthermore, according to the same NCI dictionary, “White blood cells are part of the body’s immune system. They help the body fight infection and other diseases.In putting this all together, a case can be made that under Saturn/Neptune in Pisces (2023-2026), individuals throughout the world will probably need to pay greater attention to their immune system, for as a species, humans are likely to be more vulnerable to infections and blood disorders. In this event, there may very well be an increase in blood disorders associated with cancers and leukemias.

This may not be surprising in the aftermath of COVID-19. This contagion and its mutations are still with us and may continue to cause serious illnesses throughout the world for another three years. It is important that individuals learn more about how to care for their immune system and thus be able to fight these contagions. Hence, the awareness of healthy living, nutrition, and exercise is likely to increase. And both services and products that address this sector of human activity are also likely to be in more demand, making health care and its research a sector for investment growth – unless the government (Saturn) applies price controls (more Saturn) that, in turn, diminishes the profitability of these companies. But these aspects imply that the demand for products and services related to health care will increase, while the availability of supplies may not.

Now let’s segue into Saturn/Neptune’s relationship to mental health. As a result of the many lockdowns (Saturn) and closures of businesses and schools during the pandemic of 2020-2021 (and in some countries like China, even 2022), people were forced to be isolated from friends and absent of normal social contact. This isolation has caused many to feel lonely and, worse, depressed.

Loneliness and depression are themes of Saturn. Neptune pertains to uncertainty and a sense of losing control over a situation or even one’s life. When one is lonely and isolated, withdrawal from society can follow. One can become out-of-touch and inattentive to normal functions and basic needs, like diet, hygiene, social interaction, and personal appearance. This can furthermore lead to forgetfulness, and loss of self-esteem, and confidence. The idea of having to go back into society and interact with others, and even perform as a student, worker, or lover, can cause anxiety. So can a sense that one is “losing it,” losing control over one’s existence and well-being.

It is no surprise, astrologically, that mental health issues like anxiety are generating more attention. Unless people take greater responsibility for protecting and even enhancing their mental and physical health, these conditions can become more widespread.

Likewise, unless nations and their leaders initiate more acts to enhance the safety and security of their populations, anxiety about the future is also likely to persist and even grow. If you want a healthy population, a climate of safety, both physically and socially, is required. The leader is the example. That leader must also exhibit qualities of confidence and well-being, as well as trustworthiness, both socially and physically.

In other words, in order to get humanity to a place where a renaissance can take place, leaders must exhibit the positive attributes of Saturn and Neptune these next three years and not encourage anxieties through threats and actions inducing insecurity, fear, and danger. Of course, once again, this is easier said than done. But it can be done.



Saturn rules the realm of politics, governments, and authorities. Neptune is the realm of the invisible, of things (and people) that disappear. Neptune and Pisces also rule chemicals and poisons. With this combination, we may see a surge in kidnappings, perhaps for ransom, or the disappearance of powerful people who were/are seen as a threat to another’s authority.

We may also see an increase in the use of chemical weapons (Neptune) and poisons to rid one’s enemies. This is in addition to the threat of nuclear strikes shown by Pluto entering Aquarius. To say that the world is entering a period of increased dangers when it is already in a state of heightened danger as we start 2023 is an understatement, especially when there are world leaders who are prone to delusions of persecution that have now escalated into serious personality disorders that furthermore pose a dangerous threat to world peace. The more these leaders feel threatened, the more likely there will be an increase in the disappearance of those they perceive as threats to their authority.



Neptune prefers to function when and where its activities are not visible. It can distract one’s attention from what is really happening by creating an illusion that something else is happening and diverting one’s attention away from what it is really doing, which is why Neptune rules magic, or at least “stage magic.” Neptune works well in the netherworld. Saturn, on the other hand, and as stated before, rules government and authorities. Therefore, in 2023-2026, we may anticipate a sharp increase in spying and espionage activity (Neptune) by governments (Saturn) or other agencies that seek information in nefarious, invisible, hard-to-detect ways. In other words, more and more people may have a sense that they are being watched! This, too, can also be a cause for paranoia.

Well, not really. The main people being watched are those in political or government roles and perhaps corporate positions of power, too. Knowledge is power, or so people in the intelligence community believe. Thus, the intent is to gather information that will give the procurer an advantage over an opponent. In this regard, intellectual property is still highly valued, and its theft may still be a major issue throughout the world, even more than currently thought. Hacking and cyberattacks are thus also likely to continue and even increase with Saturn in Pisces and heading to its rendezvous with Neptune in 2026.



In the last several 36-year Saturn/Neptune cycles, the government of Russia has imploded, been terminated, and had to start anew. If this cycle continues, it could happen again in 2023-2026

The last conjunction of these two planets was in 1989, as the Berlin Wall came down and the U.S.S.R. communist model of governance came to an abrupt end. This event seems to be at the root of President Putin’s paranoia, his disdain for the U.S. and Western European nations, as well as NATO, which he blames for the fall of the U.S.S.R. in 1989-1990.

There is an interesting correlation between the astrology of 1989 and 2026 involving the Saturn/Neptune synodic cycle. In 1989, Neptune was in Capricorn with Saturn, ruler of Capricorn. In 2025-2026, Saturn will be mostly in Pisces with Neptune, ruler of Pisces, even though they actually conjoin in 0° Aries on February 20, 2026. In October 1987, two years before the conjunction and just before Saturn entered Capricorn (where Neptune was already present), there was a brief (less than two months) but sharp 40% stock market crash. In March 2020, which is three years before Saturn will be entering Pisces, there was also a brief (one month) stock market crash in which the DJIA lost 38% of its value.

Vladimir Putin, October 7, 1952, 4:10 PM, St. Petersburg, Russia, rectified by Claude Weiss

Prior to 1989, Saturn and Neptune were previously conjoined in 1952-53. Two important events happened then. First, Vladimir Putin was born on October 7, 1952, at 4:10 PM in Saint Petersburg, Russia, according to the rectification of his chart by highly regarded mundane astrologer Claude Weiss.

Yes, Putin was born with Saturn conjunct Neptune, so it’s not hard to see the psychological pattern that can coincide with paranoia from his birth chart (that doesn’t mean everyone born under the conjunction of Saturn/Neptune will exhibit paranoia – it’s just one of many modes of expression possible). But it is interesting to note that the source of his inner (and outer) conflict, as well as the period that will define his very legacy, occurred at the first and second conjunction of these planets. The events of 1989 were pivotal to who Putin would become, both in terms of a world leader as well as in terms of his psychological disposition.

It might be noted that Xi Jinping, the current leader of China, was also born in 1953 (June 15) when Saturn conjoined Neptune. It will be very interesting to see how these two leaders will get along in 2023-2026 as Saturn transits through Pisces, home of Neptune, and approaches Neptune itself on February 20, 2026, the same planetary conjunction that both of these leaders were born under. There may be a reason to think that the trust between them and, thus, their allegiance may be seriously challenged shortly. There are limits to such agreements when boundaries defining trust are crossed.

Xi Jinping, June 15, 1953, time unknown, Beijing, China, using Aries chart for noon

The second major event that happened in 1952-53 was the death of Joseph Stalin on March 5, 1953. This marked the end of his long reign as leader of the Soviet Union from 1924 until his death. It is interesting to note that on the day of his funeral, hundreds (or it may have even been in the thousands) of citizens present in the area to pay their respects died in a human crush, according to Wikipedia. The death of Stalin marked a crucial transition in the government of Russia, the end of one dynasty, and the beginning of the Cold War.

The Russian Revolution marked the abolishment of its monarchy in 1917. This coincided in the same year as the preceding conjunction of Saturn and Neptune. It started near the end of World War I. Incidentally, the U.S. became engaged in World War I on April 4, 1917. But the point here is that the Russian monarchy was overthrown, and a new system of governance that led to communism started in the same year as the 36-year synodic cycle of Saturn and Neptune in 1917.

Prior to that, Saturn and Neptune conjoined in 1882. One year before, as these two planets were approaching, Tsar Alexander II was assassinated by a terrorist organization known as Narodnaya Volya, “The People’s Will.”

There are other instances of the Saturn/Neptune conjunction before this that were also traumatic for Russia. In the 1846 case, there was such a drought that food/land shortages caused huge numbers of Russians to leave the motherland and immigrate to the United States. The time before that was in 1809, which coincided with the Russian/Swedish War, sometimes called the Finnish War (1808-1809). It is interesting that today, both Sweden and Finland have applied to join NATO to help defend themselves against a possible Russian attack.

Once again, Russia finds itself on the precipice of a major upheaval as Saturn and Neptune approach their conjunction on February 20, 2026. With Saturn entering Pisces, the ruling sign of Neptune, in March 2023, events may arise earlier that relate to this 36-year cycle correlating to the demise of the Russian government as it is known today.

Vladimir Putin is the current president of Russia, as this is being written. He has held the power in Russia for over 20 years. As detailed above, he was born under the Saturn/Neptune connection of 1952-53. The major event that shaped his life was the dissolution of the Soviet Union and communism, which occurred under the Saturn/Neptune conjunction that followed in 1989. Now, the third and final conjunction of these two planets in the life of Vladimir Putin is about to take place, and once again, Russia is on the edge of a transformation period between 2023 and 2026. Russia and its government as we know it today are vulnerable to becoming completely different within the next three years.

The form is Saturn. Its dissolution is Neptune. And it is remarkable how these two planets have played such a powerful role in the history of Russia and within the life of President Vladimir Putin, who will certainly go down in history as a villain or a hero, depending on one’s ideology. His life and the history of the nation Putin has led for so long represent the epitome of Saturn/Neptune on so many levels: the classic epic of saints and sinners, heroes and villains.



NOTE 1: ONLY TWO MORE WEEKS! LOCK IN THE BEST SUBSCRIPTION RATES!!! THE “ANNUAL FORECAST PRE-ORDER EVENT” is now underway!!!! The sale will run through October 31 and includes our once-a-year discounts on both the annual Forecast book and MMA Subscription Reports ~

During this pre-order period, the FORECAST 2025 print edition is available at the discounted rate of $55, and the eBook version is available for $45. AND this is also when we offer the best deal on MMA Subscription Reports! Save 10% off any subscription ($275+) with the purchase of Forecast 2025. For instance, you can save over $300 on a yearly subscription to the MMA Daily Report, which additionally includes the full weekly report (two reports in one!). After the pre-order event ends on November 1, the retail price of the Forecast 2025 print edition increases to $66, the eBook price increases to $55, and the subscription reports return to their normal prices. ORDER NOW AND SAVE BIG BUCKS!

MMA is also offering a special “bundle” discount rate for those who wish to order both the eBook and printed editions of Forecast 2025 for $75. The eBook usually comes out 1-2 weeks before the print edition and avoids delays caused by the postal system, especially for those who live overseas. Yet many readers prefer the print edition, so ordering both via the Forecast 2025 Bundle makes sense. You will receive the Forecast 2025 eBook on December 15, and the print copy will be mailed in mid-December.

MMA’s annual Forecast book is an astrological-themed almanac that has served students of cycles and markets since 1976. It provides a cyclical outlook of the collective world psychology, national economy, geopolitical overview, socio-cultural trends, weather and natural calamities potentials, as well as financial market projections for the U.S. stock market, the U.S. Treasury market, interest rates, Gold and Silver, currencies (the Euro, British Pound, Swiss Franc, and Japanese Yen), Bitcoin, Crude Oil, and Grain markets. Its valuable market timing forecasts are based on the historical correlation of market cycles overlapping with geocosmic planetary cycles. Additionally, it provides three-star critical reversal dates for each market for the year, which have an 80+% accuracy over the years to trading cycle highs and lows when given an orb of three trading days. The book is approximately 200 pages, 8.5″ x 11″, and has set the standard for all astrological almanacs written today.

The scorecard for Forecast 2024, as of October 8, 2024, is now available for viewing by clicking here.

To pre-order Forecast 2025 now, please click here.


NOTE 2: YOUR PERSONAL “JUPITER REPORT — YOUR MOMENTS OF OPPORTUNITY” IS NOW OUT!!! This newest product, just released last week, has been created by Raymond Merriman. It is a 30 to 40 page report that all traders (and even non-traders) will find to be of great value. It identifies the times during the year when Jupiter transits are highlighted in your natal chart. It delineates the meaning of Jupiter’s transits to your natal planets and angles over a 14-month period (including one month before your order and one month after the year ends). Why is this valuable? Because transits of Jupiter identify special opportunities for financial gains, success in one’s career and social life, popularity, and good fortune (luck) when under harmonious aspects and used correctly. However, they can also indicate periods of increased misjudgments leading to losses if Jupiter is afflicted and one is not properly prepared. As an added bonus, each transit is ranked from –3 to +3 in terms of favorability for trading. Traders may find this most valuable! Would you like to know when you are most prone to trading successes or potential misjudgments and losses? You betcha! The cost for your 14-month Jupiter Report is $69. Click here to order!!!



 The MMA 2024 Investment Retreat was incredible – clearly our best ever. Every long-term market presentation delivered on our promise to provide exceptional new research, strategies, and concrete investment steps to build wealth within the time band for long-term cycle bottoms due this decade. Special attention was given to the stock markets of the USA, Germany, and Hong Kong, plus Gold, Silver, Copper, Bitcoin, Wheat, Crude Oil, Real Estate, and interest rates. At the end of each day, there were highly informative interactions between the presenters and the audience.

Presenters included Raymond Merriman (USA), Gianni Di Poce (USA), Ulric Aspegrén (Switzerland), Pouyan Zolfagharnia (UK), Irma Schogt (Netherlands), Rita Perea (USA), Wyatt Fellows (USA), plus special guest speakers Claude Weiss (Switzerland), Aleksandar Imsiragic (Serbia) and Christeen Skinner (UK).

The cost for the recordings of this three-daty event is $3500. There is a 10% discount for subscribers of MMA Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Reports.

Here is the link for purchasing the MMA Investment Retreat Recording:  


NOTE 4: The MMA Solar-Lunar App now offers reversal signals on the NASDAQ to all subscribers! Now there are four markets with daily weighted values provided: DJIA, NASDAQ, Gold, and Silver. To commemorate the launch of the new NASDAQ feature, we are offering a one-month special rate of $24.99 to all new and existing subscribers (the normal rate is $39.99/month) ending October 31. Sign up now for a one-month trial before October 31, and receive the daily signals for one month for only $24.99!

This app is an ideal tool to have in your back pocket if you are a short-term swing trader looking for high-probability dates that identify isolated lows and highs in the DJIA, Gold, or Silver markets. Since it was first introduced three months ago, it has been uncannily accurate in identifying swing lows and highs in each market. It is available only on Apple products (iPhone and iPad) at this time.

How does it work? Based on historical frequencies, the higher the weighted value, the greater the probability of a swing trade reversal for the next 1-7 trading days (usually 2-5 days). Built into the app are instructions for ideal setups and explanatory FAQs. It’s pretty amazing!

The MMA Solar/Lunar App gives each market an average of one trade per week every five trading days. The Solar/Lunar App is designed for “swing trades” looking for 2-5% moves from isolated lows or highs. If you like active trading signals based on solar/lunar combinations, the MMA App is for you!

To learn more about the MMA App, click here. To order the app, go to Apple’s App Store and type in Merriman Merket Analyst.


NOTE 5: Ray Merriman will present his “Election 2024 Forecast” for the Tucson Astrologers Guild this Saturday, on October 12, 1:00-4:00 PM PDT (4:00-7:00 PM EDT). Attendance may be in person or via Zoom. In this presentation, Merriman will discuss his outlook for the U.S. and the world based on the forthcoming “Aries Vortex.” He will then present his delineation and studies on the two candidates for U.S. President (Kamala Harris and Donald Trump), the relationship of their charts to the U.S. chart, historical cycles of the U.S. election relative to the major transiting aspects now underway, the Federal Reserve Board chart and what it says about the next president, and the relationship of stock market cycles correlated to the party in office and what it projects for this election cycle (is it a crash and soaring to new highs?). The cost is only $35, which is as good a price as one will ever have for a three-hour workshop with Merriman. For details and registration, please click here, email, or call 520-216-0217


Note 6: The MMA Weekly YouTube show, “Geocosmic Week in Review and Look Ahead,” with Gianni Di Poce, is conducted on Wednesday evenings! Each 5- to 20-minute FREE episode reviews the previous week’s market activity and offers a preview of the geocosmic signatures in effect for the coming week and beyond. There was a recent  interview with MMTA graduate and psychological trading coach Rita Perea, who  presented at the recent MMA Investment Retreat in Lake Bled.


NOTE 7: MMA’s Free Weekly Column Podcast Is Available on SPOTIFY, APPLE, and AMAZON! Now you can listen to a podcast of this weekly column by Thomas Miller on Saturdays! Thomas has an excellent voice and brings the weekly column to life in a personable and, at times, humorous fashion. Just follow Merriman Market Analyst on Spotify or Apple to listen to all our episodes. A new podcast episode will be released every weekend. This is a FREE service and is available to everyone. Check out our podcasts on Apple, Spotify, and Amazon Music. It makes for great listening!


NOTE 8: THE OCTOBER ISSUE OF THE MONTHLY MMA CYCLES REPORT WILL BE ISSUED THIS WEEK (Monday night)! The MMA Monthly Cycles Report covers the outlook in the U.S. stock market, Gold, Silver, Copper, Treasuries, the Euro currency, Crude Oil, and Soybeans. The MMA Monthly Cycles Report also provides MMA’s original geocosmic critical reversal dates (CRDs) and solar/lunar reversal dates over the next several weeks, as well as trading strategies for position and aggressive traders. If you want to try out a one-month subscription to the MMA Monthly Cycles Report, you can sign up for the October Report and last week’s MMA Special Stock Market Update for only $35! Or save by ordering a three-month or one-year subscription.



October 12, 1:00-4:00 PM PDT ( 4:00-7:00 PM EDT), Ray Merriman presents his Election 2024 Forecast for the Tucson Astrologers Guild. Attendance may be in person or via Zoom. The cost is only $35, which is as good a price as one will ever find for a three-hour workshop with Merriman. Click here for details and registration.


March 7-9, 2025: Cosmic Patterns Inc. presents its Convergence 2025 conference in Orlando, Florida. This will be one of the top astrological conferences of 2025 and will include a track on “Research and Financial Markets.” MMA market analysts Ray Merriman, Gianni Di Poce, Pouyan Zolfagharnia, Ulric Aspegrén, and Wiebke Held will speak, along with well-known financial astrologer Christeen Skinner of the U.K. There will also be several well-known professional astrologers speaking, including Lynn Bell, Charlotte Benson, Öner Döşer, Pam Gallagher, Demetra George, Aleksandar Imsiragic, Dr. Lea Imsiragic, Rick Levine, Darri Low Murphy, Anne Ortelee, Joni Patry, Kathy Rose, Gisele Terry, and Fei Cochrane. For further information, please go to You can also hear and read about this exciting gathering on YouTube (click here). SIGN UP NOW for the best rate before the next cutoff date.


Disclaimer and statement of purpose: The purpose of this column is not to forecast the future movement of various financial markets. However, that is the purpose of the MMA (Merriman Market Analyst) subscription services. This column is not a subscription service, it is a free service, except in those cases where a fee may be assessed to cover the cost of translating this column from English into a non-English language. This weekly report is written with the intent of educating the reader on the relationship between astrological factors and collective human activities as they are happening. In this regard, this report will often cite what happened in various stock and financial markets throughout the world in the past week and discuss that movement in light of the geocosmic signatures that were in effect. It will then identify the geocosmic factors that will be in effect in the next week, or even month, or even years, and the author’s understanding of how these signatures may affect human activity in the times to come. The author (Merriman) will do this from the perspective of a cycles analyst looking at the military, political, economic, and even financial markets of the world. It is possible that some forecasts will be made based on these factors. However, the primary goal is to both educate and alert the reader as to the psychological climate we are in from an astrological perspective. The hope is that it will help the reader understand the psychological dynamics that underlie (or coincide with) the news events and their potential effects on financial markets.

 No guarantee as to the accuracy of this report is being made here. Any decisions in financial markets are solely the responsibility of the reader, and neither the author nor the publishers of this column assume any responsibility whatsoever for anyone’s trading or investment decisions. Readers of this report should understand that commodity futures and options trading are considered high-risk