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FAQ for the MMA Solar Lunar App

May 22, 2024

What is the strategy if the 3 or 4% values are highlighted in red or orange?

Look for the market to take out the prior day’s low or high and then reverse. It can be either the first or second day, and sometimes even the third day, while the Moon is in that sign. To be valid, the high or low that forms in this period must remain intact (isolated) the following day to fit the setup criteria.


What is the strategy if the “High”  score is highlighted in red or orange?

First of all, when the “high” column is highlighted in orange or red, it means the “high” weighted value score is at least 138 or higher, while the weighted value score of the “low” is below 83. That combination is most desirable to trade, especially if the “All” column is also above 114

In these cases, look for the market to make an isolated high on one of these dates (higher than the high of the prior day and next day), and then reverse down (start a decline). As indicated above, it is best if the score in the “Low” column is under 83 at the same time the score in “High” column is above 138, and better yet when the “All” column is above 114. In fact, the weighted value will not be color-coded for a “high” unless the “low” value is under 83. This makes it more probable for a reversal. Do not initiate a short trade before the prior day’s high is exceeded in this time frame.


What is the strategy if the “Low” score is highlighted in red or orange?

Look for the market to make an isolated low on one of these dates (lower than the low of the prior day and the next day), and then reverse up (start to rally). It is best if the score in the “High” column is under 83 at the same time the score in “Low” column is above 138, and even better if the “All” column is greater than 114. In fact, the weighted value will not be color-coded for a “low” unless the value for a “high” is under 83. This makes it more probable for a reversal. Do not initiate a long trade before the prior day’s low is exceeded in this time frame.


What does “Big Rng” mean?

It stands for “Big Range Day” based on historical studies in which the historical distance between the low and high on these solar/lunar dates was at least 2% with a greater frequency than other dates. Big Range Days are most useful for day traders because the price movement is likely to be greater than other days. They won’t always work, but it is a good idea to be aware that the potential for a large price range those days with a value greater than 120 is more likely than other days with lower values. Anything below 50 means historically these were not often dates of “big ranges.” The price movement these days is likely to be fairly small, which favors staying with a position, or trading for small profit/loss margins for those days (less risk). High Big Rage Days” are most useful for those who like to day trade multiple time during a day.


Under Settings, how do I tell when the Moon changes signs and the scores should be adjusted?

To know exactly when a sign change takes place with the Moon or Sun, choose Enable for All Sun/Moon Ingresses? in Settings. Makes sure the button is highlighted green. You will receive a notice whenever the Sun or Moon changes signs, and you should adjust your thinking at that moment for the next weighted value score that will show up at the next noon time for DJIA (Eastern Time) or 11:00 AM the next day for Gold or Silver, Greenwich time.


Under Settings, what does it mean if I “Enable for high WV’s?”

It means you will receive a notice whenever the Sun/Moon combination changes for noon of that day for DJIA, Eastern Time, or 11:00 AM Greenwich time for Gold or Silver, and the weighted value score changes to a score above 138 (orange). This means the historical frequency of a trend change during that period is greater than the norm. It means the probability of an isolated low or high is greater. Since these signals are generated based on the Sun/Moon combination at noon Eastern time each day for DJIA (or 11:00 AM Greenwich time for Gold and Silver), one may have to allow a one-day orb because the actual change may occur well before or after noon eastern time or 11:00 AM Greenwich time. But rather than make that adjustment in your mind, simply adjust your thinking once the Moon changes signs and the new weighted values actually go into effect then.


How should I adapt for the difference between the “Enable for High WVs” versus “Enable for All Sun/Moon ingresses?

As soon as you get a notice that the Sun or Moon has changed signs, adopt the weighted value scores that apply to the date of the next noon time, (Eastern time, if the DJIA), or the next 11:00 AM (Greenwich time if using Gold or Silver). That may be the same day you get the notice if the sign change takes place before these times. If the change takes place after these times, the values of the next day will be applicable. You can see these time changes when you click any day within the two-week period that appears on your opening screen.


Are the weighted values for Mercury and Venus important as shown in each market after I tap the date?

If their scores are over 114, and especially above 138, then yes, one should be prepared for a more frequent reversals, especially if the solar/lunar values are also over 138 during these periods.


What does it mean when a solar/lunar value is grey?

It means the historical frequency of this solar/lunar combination for a reversal is low. The lower the score, the less frequently it has coincided with a reversal of 3% in Gold and DJIA or 4% in Silver, in the past. Thus, we do not look for an important isolated low or high from which a strong reversal follows if those scores are low (below 83), and especially if they are below 50.


What does it mean when a market  is in a time band for solar/lunar high to be followed by a decline, and the market doesn’t decline, but instead just continues to rally?

It means the market is very bullish. This will most often happen in the beginning part of a cycle (major, half-primary, or primary. It is not wise to short a market that is juts beginning a new primary cycle, even if the solar/lunar values are high and indicating a crest.


What does it mean when a market  is in a time band for solar/lunar low to be followed by a rally, and the market doesn’t rally, but instead just continues to fall?

It means the market is very bearish. This will most likely happen in the later part of primary cycle that has been bullish, or in weeks 2-5 of primary cycle that is going to turn bearish. When one is in the latter phase of a bullish primary cycle, or in weeks 2-5 of what is to become a bearish primary cycle, it may not be wise to be looking to buy solar/lunar reversal periods.


Should one give more weight to the MMA Solar/Lunar App or the MMA Cycles Reports?

They work hand in hand. It also depends on whether you are an aggressive short-term trader (even day trader) or more of a position trader.

The trades highlighted by the MMA Solar/Lunar App work best for short-term trading, usually for 1-4 day trades, sometimes lasting a week, and in less frequent cases, even more. They can also be useful for position traders looking to narrow a time band down to initiate a position trade within a greater time band for a cycle low or high indicated by the timing studies of various MMA reports. For instance, if the market is in a time band for a primary cycle trough, we might use the solar/lunar app to help identify periods in the cycle time band when an isolated low is more likely. That can be a valuable asset for a futures trader.

Likewise, the user of the MMA App may find it valuable to know when a market is in – or about to enter – its bullish or bearish phase as outlined in the MMA Cycles Reports. Trading with the trend, or in the direction of an anticipated trend change based on cycle and geocosmic studies, can increase the probability of making profitable trades via the MMA App. The “Trend is your friend” is a well-known axiom is the trading community,  and the MMA Cycles Reports provide valuable analysis to identifying the underlying trend. If the underlying trend of a cycle is bullish, then it is best to focus trading on buying isolated lows highlighted by the MMA App. If the underlying trend of a cycle is bearish or about to turn bearish, then it is best to look to sell short on isolated highs that form during a high weighted value score for a high featured in the MMA App.


How often are the weighted value scores updated?

Once a year, around the end or beginning of each year. It takes about once year for each of the solar/lunar combinations to occur.


When you are determining previous highs and lows is it based on calendar day or trading day ?

This is a good question – how to determine the absolute correct way to gauge the timing.

Currently it is based on the Moon’s sign position in a time band that is 4 hours before and afternoon of a calendar day for DJIA and 4 hours before and after 11:00 AM GMT for Gold and Silver. That is why some days have overlap between two sets of dates. The Moon changed signs between 8 AM and 4 PM that day (eastern time for DJIA), or 7 AM-3 PM GMT in the case of Gold or Silver. We chose this because 1) our data history does not tell us exactly what time of the day a high or low formed and 2) these times represent the midpoint of the trading day for each market, and 3) there is an “orb of influence” in astrology that can extend to 3 degrees either side of an planet changing signs. In that 3-degree orb, characteristics of both signs are present.

Theoretically (and in my own actual practice), I think one should use a calendar day that begins within 3 degrees (6 hours) of the time the Moon enters the sign,  until within three degrees (six hours) of the time the Moon moves into the next sign. If it happens over a weekend when markets are not trading, then it won’t correspond to a high or low during those times. So, the high/low via solar/lunar combos would be most likely (theoretically) during a trading day to be valid, and within the time band covering three degrees before and after the moon is in a sign that applies to the weighted values given in the App.



For further clarification of the underlying trend, it is important to know where that market is in terms of its primary cycle. That information is available in the MMA Daily, Weekly, and/or Monthly Reports. Trading via the solar/lunar reversal zones highlighted in this app always work best when trading in the direction of the underlying trend. Therefore, this app works in harmony with the broader market view outlined in the MMA Subscription Reports where the trend is identified for each cycle.



These studies are conducted by MMTA graduate Yating Hu, who graduated from MMTA (The Merriman Market Timing Academy) in 2022. Her research studies focused on the correlation of solar/lunar values to reversals in several financial markets, including DJIA, Gold, Silver, Shanghai Composite, and the Euro currency.

The programming of these values into the MMA Solar/Lunar App was conducted by MMTA3 student and soon-to-be graduate Jonathan Beuhler, who is an accomplished programmer.

The concept of Solar/Lunar correlations to financial markets is the intellectual property and creation of Raymond Merriman. Published studies of these research efforts, and the proper way to trade them, can be found in the following MMA books:

­­The Ultimate Book on Stock Market Timing Volume 4: Solar/Lunar Correlations to Short-Term Trading Reversals

Solar/Lunar Keys To Gold Prices: Secrets of a Gold Trader

The Sun, The Moon, and the Silver Market: Secrets of a Silver Trader