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Forecast 2024 Scorecard- As of August 16, 2024

August 16, 2024


Every year gets better and better with our forecasts. Although 2024 is not yet over, several forecasts made in the Forecast 2024 Book have already unfolded. We will list a few of the forecasts below as of August 1, 2024. Keep in mind these forecasts were written in October-November 2023, and published December 2023, well before 2024 got underway. As far as market sectors go, 2024 was an excellent year for forecasting, particularly accurate we the Stock, Currencies, Precious Metals and Bitcoin markets. Read below.

The Annual Forecast Pre-Order Event August 1- October 31, 2204

The Forecast 2025 Book can be pre-ordered for only $55 if ordered before October 31st.

ECONOMIC AND MARKET FORECASTS FOR 2024 (written August – November 2023)

Record Highs in Financial Markets related to Jupiter conjunct Uranus, April 20, 2024: The very first section of the book, titled “Brief Notice to Investors and Traders in 2024,” stated: “If there is a fundamental reason for any market to spike going into or coming out of the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in April, traders should be aware of this possibility. I may be right, or I may be wrong. But suppose I am right about the correspondence of Jupiter/Uranus to explosive price moves in financial markets. Based upon the history of this pairing, I think it could be an opportunity akin to a Gold prospector striking “the mother lode.” Result: Within one month of the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction, all-time highs were taking place in several world stock indices, including DJIA, S&P, NASADAQ, Nikkei, NIFTY, DAX, AEX, ASX, and FTSE. New all-time highs were also recorded between March and early August 2024 in Gold, Copper, Live Cattle, Cocoa, and Bitcoin.

The U.S. Stock Market and DJIA: “Based on prior rallies of 18-year cycles since 1914 (and the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank), the upside price objective of the current 18-year cycle would be 27,174-56,896 in the DJIA, with an average price target of 43,025…. A 4-year cycle crest is due within two months of the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction on April 20-21, 2024. Ideally, it happens in May-June 2024 as Jupiter completes a sextile to Neptune and trine to Pluto during the period when it also ingresses from Taurus to Gemini (late May, early June).” Result: As of this writing, the all-time high in the DJIA has been 41,376 on July 18. This is within the middle part of our ideal price target range, but slightly outside of our time band for a crest.

Stock Sectors and Buying Opportunities: “However, traders and investors will want to be cautious after that burst, for it is late in the 4-year cycle, and Jupiter will transition from its favorable aspects to Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto to a challenging square to Saturn, which unfolds August 19, 2024, through June 16, 2025. We anticipate a 4-year cycle low to occur during this time, and ideally by January 2025. That would be the next time frame in which we expect a favorable investment period to arise, especially in Gemini-related stocks like technology, AI (artificial intelligence), electric vehicles, airplanes, spacecraft, or any technology related to military advancements.” Result: The NASDAQ topped out July11, 2024 and by August 5 it was down over 17%.

Gold: “Gold is in the early stages of its 7.83-year cycle that began November 3, 2022. Early stages of cycles are almost always bullish, so my bias is for new all-time highs in 2024… My bias is that Gold will make new all-time highs, with an eventual upside target of $2662 +/- 191 or 2716 +/- 291.” Result: As of this writing, Gold has indeed made an all-time high of $2522 on August 2, which is in the, lower part of the price range given.

Silver: “Silver appears to be range-bound within a symmetrical triangle pattern… as we approach the apex of this pattern, I would expect prices to break out during 2024. There is still time and plenty of a price range left to move higher. The normal price range for this crest would be 36.11 +/- 2.90, and a 45-85% retracement (still bearish) would be 28.82-44.10.” Result: Silver did indeed break out to a new 12-year high of 32.75 on May 20, 2024, within the larger price range but a little short, so far, or the ideal range.

T-Notes: “Our preferred timing for the 6-year cycle high is during the central time band of the three-passage square signature between Jupiter and Saturn, which occurs between August 2024 and June 2025. From a long-term technical standpoint, T-Notes are in a neutral zone between multi-year support at 102/00-105/00 and multi-year resistance at 114/25-116/20.” Result: Support has held with a secondary low of 107/03 on April 25 (nearby to Jupiter/Uranus conjunction). As of this writing, T-Notes have rallied to 115 on August 5 with room to go higher as expectations of lower rates gather momentum.

Dollar/Yen: “But going into 2024, the geocosmic situation suggests that prices could still make their way to 162.00 +/- 2.00.” Result: Not bad. The 34-year high was 161.99, recorded on July 3, 2024. By August 5, they had plunged sharply to 141.66.

Euro: “If the 15-month cycle bottom is cemented in the lower part of its price target span, then the second 15-month cycle that follows could top out at the descending resistance line, which connects the B, C, D, and F crests. It will be by April 2024 at 1.0530 and falling.” Result: The low of the year was 1.0599 on April 16, close to the conjunction of Jupiter/Uranus

Swiss Franc: “The major geocosmic signature with respect to currency markets in 2024 is the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction on April 20. Normally, we would assign an orb of +/- 1 month on either side of the aspect… In summary, position traders may look to either sell the Swiss Franc short on a rally up to 1.2100 +/- 0.0150 in 2024 or look to buy Swiss Francs on a drop into the 1.0620 +/- .0025.” Result: The high since that was written has been 1.2097 on December 28, 2023. Prices then fell to a yearly low of 1.0899 on May 1, just 10 days after the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction.

Bitcoin: “No one knows exactly how high Bitcoin can go with Jupiter conjunct Uranus in April. My bias is that it will break resistance, and thus, we cannot rule out a new all-time in 2024, the year of Jupiter conjunct Uranus… On the upside, there is much resistance at 53,658 +/- 5963. Then comes the re-test of 69,000. But if the 4-year cycle is to be bullish as I presently think, Bitcoin could make a new all-time high by 2026, even in 2024, with an upside target of 81,356 +/- 9232.” Result: Bitcoin’s low so far has been 38,460 on January 23, 2024 and the high as of this writing has been 73,803 on March 14, 2024.

Soybeans: “Should we get an important top in the May time frame, then Soybeans would be on track to potentially fall to a significant bottom sometime between February 2024 and April 2025, with the ideal time frame being August 2024 to March 2025. As long as 1784.00 is not taken out on the upside, we will look for this low to form at 1170.00 +/- 72.00. If Soybeans fall below this zone, the next area of support would be 1070.00 +/- 84.00.” Result: The high of the year was 1258 on May 23, as forecasted. The low, as of this writing is 955, which is below the lower support zone but still in the time band for a long-term cycle trough, as forecasted.


President Joe Biden: “The major outer planet transit to his natal chart in 2024 is Pluto squaring his Moon…. If I were to advise the president on whether to run again in 2024 for re-election, it would be to step down and enjoy the remainder of his life, however long it will be. Bouncing from one Pluto transit to the ruling planet and then to one’s natal Moon ruling the 8th house is not an astrological setup for a stress-free time. And stress is the one thing that must be managed and controlled at this stage of his life…. Under a Pluto transit, no one escapes unscathed.” Result: On July 21, 2024, President Joe Biden announced his withdrawal from the 2024 United States presidential election.

Kamala Harris: “Pluto can mean empowerment or disempowerment. Kamala Harris finds transiting Pluto making a T-square with her natal Sun/Moon opposition, which is similar. These candidates (including Kamala Harris) could ascend to the most powerful position in the world as President of the United States or be rejected and change their political path in life altogether…. Another point to mention is that, according to the studies of Michael O’Reilly,1 the plurality of U.S. presidents have had Mars in Leo first and Scorpio second. Donald Trump has Mars in Leo, and Joe Biden has Mars in Scorpio. Kamala Harris also has Mars in Leo.” Result: As of this writing on August 16, 2024 Kamala Harris will be the presumptive nominee for U.S. President on the Democratic ticket, following Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the race.

• Election 2024, from Forecast 2023 Book written in November 2022: “Furthermore, don’t be surprised (yes, I know it’s Uranus we are talking about) if a female is elected to a very high office in 2024, as Uranus trines the Moon in this (the July 2 U.S.) chart. In other words, in the spirit of Uranus, the “glass ceiling” can be broken. If one of the parties nominates a female presidential candidate, the odds favor that party in 2024. With Uranus part of a grand earth trine, it can truly be a new world for the U.S., a revival of its standing in the world, and a renaissance in science, technology, communications, and banking.” As of this writing, it looks like female Kamala Harris will be the Democratic candidate for the U.S. Presidency. At this moment, she is leading in many of the polls over Republican nominee Donald Trump.

Donald Trump: “Furthermore, the U.S. Saturn is on his natal Chiron, where he can be wounded or hurt by the government, its courts, and its enforcement of laws. This is a real threat to Trump. The possibility of a harsh verdict that upends his campaign should not be underestimated. In his favor is the fact that his natal Jupiter is trine his natal Sun, which has an element of luck and good fortune throughout his life… At the same time, the U.S. progressed Mars is on his natal Jupiter at 17° Libra. Thus, there is a class of warriors in the nation that are willing and ready to fight for his freedom of movement, his right (as they see it) to be their candidate and run for the presidency. The outer planet transits to his natal chart shows a possibility of victory on Election Day – if he is allowed to run.” Result: Donald Trump easily won the Republican nomination for president. But he still faces many legal battles ahead as this is being written.

Donald Trump: Assassination Attempt: “One of the more outstanding and conflicting signatures is that of his progressed Mars at 14° Libra, right on the natal U.S. Saturn, and his natal Chiron, the “wounded healer” again. The simple interpretation here is that he believes he is being attacked and is seriously wounded. He is in a fight for his life, and it may be literal.” Result: On July 13, 2024 at a campaign rally in Butler, PA, Trump was shot at, in an assassination attempt on his life.

Donald Trump: Conviction of Felonies: “Finally, the progressed Ascendant squares his progressed Saturn in Leo near the 12th house cusp. It is not beyond possibility he may be found guilty in some of the verdicts. The road ahead for President Trump looks challenging until 2026.” Result: On May 30, 2024, Trump became the first U.S. President to become a convicted felon. After a six-week trial, he was found guilty of falsifying business records in connection with a payoff to Stormy Daniels, an adult film star who claimed she had a sexual encounter with him. He also lost another case in January 2024 when a jury in New York City awarded E. Jean Carroll an $83.3 million judgment to be paid by Donald Trump for defaming her publicly on multiple occasions regarding rape allegations she made against the former president. As of this writing, Trump is appealing both cases.

Election 2024: “The Democratic Party needs Trump to run in the general election if Biden is to be their nominee. The Republicans need Biden to run if Trump is their nominee. If either party wants to increase their odds of victory, all they need to do is select another candidate.” Result: The Democrats did exactly that in July 2024 as Joe Biden began losing momentum and falling well behind Donald Trump in the polls. Immediately upon Biden’s withdrawal and Kamala Harris’ entrance into the race, the polls began to shift more in favor of the Democrats


Following last years lead, Forecast 2025 will continue our Forecasts for the world and the nation, with our cyclical and geocosmic analysis of social, cultural, political, and economic trends, combined with our analysis and forecasts for financial markets just like always – stock markets, Gold, Silver, T-Notes, Currencies, Grains, Crude Oil and Bitcoin. Plus, we will include the all-important  three-star geocosmic critical reversal dates (CRDs) for each market in its own section. Within a 4-day orb, over 80% of the CRDs were accurate ‘hits’ for tradable reversals in nearly every market, with the yearly high or low in several markets captured.

The Annual Forecast Pre-Order Event August 1- October 31, 2204

The Forecast 2025 Book can be pre-ordered for only $55 if ordered before October 31st.