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Trading with MMA Market Timing Methods: Recordings now available!

February 25, 2020

Trading with MMA Market Timing Methods

Trading with MMA Market Timing Methods: Recordings now available

Raymond Merriman will be hosting a three-part course on how to use the MMA Market Timing Methods and subscription reports starting in March. Trading with MMA Market Timing Methods is a three-part course over four weeks. Each two-hour class is designed for traders who want to learn more about trading futures as well as ETFs. The class size is limited to 30 students. All classes will be live and will be recorded so that the video recordings are available to the students for review. Read our interview with Raymond below to learn more about the class and how to sign up now!

Dates: March 11, March 25, April 1
Time: 7-9 pm EST
Instructor: Raymond Merriman
Platform: Hosted via Zoom
Cost: $295

Class 1: Introduction to futures markets; why we use futures or cash prices for MMA reports; how to transition these to trade ETF’s on the stock exchanges; basic cycle studies for market timing; integrating geocosmic signatures for market timing; what they say about trading for the week ahead (strategies for trading this week).

Class 2: Review of last week’s markets related to cycle studies and geocosmics; integrating technical studies for timing of market entrance; preview of next week’s strategies; Q&A

Class 3: Review of last week’s markets related to cycle studies, geocosmics, and technical studies; preview of next week’s strategies; Q&A


Interview with Raymond Merriman on Trading with MMA Market Timing Methods Class


MMA director, Alie Schneider, sat down with MMA president, Raymond Merriman, to ask some of the most popular questions clients have been sending in this week. Check out Ray’s responses below about these new classes being offered in March.

Alie Schneider: How is this different than the MMTA classes you hosted in 2013 or the MMTA courses you did in China in 2018?

Raymond Merriman: Those classes were much more intense and detailed. The purpose of those classes was to train students to be market timing analysts, instructing in the MMA method of market analysis and the application of market timing tools that we use. This class will teach some of those basic principles and then apply them to current markets, especially to futures markets. For that, we will introduce students to what commodity and financial futures markets are, as well as to what ETFs can used as a proxy to trade these commodity and financial futures markets.

AS: Can anyone sign up for these classes, even if they’re not an active subscriber?

RM: Yes, that is OK. For those who are subscribers, this series of classes will probably enable you to understand the daily, weekly, and monthly reports even better.

AS: What is an ETF? What are futures?

RM: These are questions we will answer more fully in the first class. But, ETF stands for “Exchange Traded Funds.” An ETF trades like a stock and reflects the price of an index, sector of the market, or commodity and/or financial futures market, or even cash market. For example, DJIA is an ETF that tracks the Dow Jones Industrial Average. GLD is an ETF that tracks the nearby contract of a Gold futures market. 100 shares of GLD is like owning 10 ounces of Gold, which is 1/10 the value of a Gold futures contract, which is like owning 100 ounces of Gold.

Futures are extremely high-leveraged trading or hedging vehicles. When you buy an ETF, you pay for the whole cost of that purchase, or perhaps you can buy it on margin with 50% down, and the rest “lent to you” by the brokerage house, which then charges you interest. With futures, you pay a very small deposit, known as “margin”, which is much less (and therefore gives you much more leverage) than the margin percent required for an ETF. For example, margin on a 100 oz Gold futures contract on the COMEX requires you to put $5000 margin minimum in your account. For that, you control 100 oz of Gold, worth about $157,500. With futures, every $10 move = $1000 change in value of your trade. With an ETF, 100 shares it is worth $15,750. Every $10 move in Gold will = $100 change in your position.

However, consider the difference in your return. If you buy 100 shares of Gold at $157.50, and your cost is $15,750, and Gold rises $10/ounce, you make $100 on your $15,750 investment for a return of .635%. If you had purchased 1 Gold contract for $5000 margin, and the price of Gold went up $10/oz, you made $1000 OR 20% on the trade. The profit is much greater with futures, but so is the risk of loss.

AS: Why is this only offered once a week and not just a six hour class?

RM: Because we want to illustrate how these methods work in current market conditions, from one week to the next. We will make trading suggestions based on these methods in futures and ETFs, then review how they worked out.

AS: Is this going to be like the Forecast Webinar, and you’ll talk about what to expect in Geopolitics for 2020?

RM: No, no. This class is is totally market-related. We only talk about markets and our methods of analyzing and trading markets.

AS: Can you manage my investments for me?

RM: No. Thanks for asking, but I will not manage anyone’s monies other than my own, and I am not so sure anyone should. No one will care for your account as much as you do

AS: What type of futures/ ETFs will we look at in this course?

RM: We will focus on stock indices (DJIA, S&P, NASDAQ) and Gold and Silver – Futures mostly, since our reports are based on futures, but we will convert them to ETFs for those who are less speculative. 

AS: Why are you hosting this class now and not years ago?

RM: I don’t know. Maybe because in the past I have given workshops and full courses and didn’t see the need to do this. Maybe its because I am getting more comfortable with all the improvements in hosting online webinars, and I am not so interested in traveling to destinations that require me to fly (which I don’t enjoy so much anymore). Maybe it’s because we have so many new people subscribing tour reports who don’t know anything about futures and want to learn on to apply our reports to their trading interests. It is probably a mix of all these things. And maybe it has to do with being out here in Arizona now and no longer in the eastern time zone, so I have some time available to do this before my evening begins here.

AS: Will we look at actual subscription reports and breakdown what was said and how to interpret it or this is all hypothetical examples?

RM: Yes, exactly. That will be an important part of the second and third classes. How to use geocosmics and solar/lunar reversals for timing a trade, and then technical studies to help make that decision.

AS: Do I need to have a brokerage account to take this class?

RM: No, but it would be a good idea to have one. I can’t imagine why anyone would really want to take these classes without having a brokerage trading account.

AS: What are some other resources I can look at to learn about Futures/ ETFs before the class begins?

RM: Maybe read the cycles terminology sheet and  geocosmic terminology sheet sent out too all subscribers, and also included in the front part of each year’s annual Forecast Book. Or, view the “MMA Optimal Trading Strategies Webinar” from April 2019. This video is free to subscribers of any subscription reports and $45 if not a subscriber. 

RM: Now I have some questions from our clients for you.

AS: Ok, let’s hear them

RM: What happens if a student has to miss a class?

AS: No problem. This class is entirely hosted over our video conference software, Zoom, so this is not like missing a live class. All of the classes will be recorded. We will make the class recordings as well as the presentation slides available to enrolled students under My Account the day follow each live session. We know that a lot of our international clients will not be able to attend each live session, but they should still be able to participate and view the video recordings.

RM: Will I be able to communicate with the other students in the class?

AS: Yes, this class is interactive and any student can ask questions to Ray or other students during the live class session. We will have an active “chat” function that enables the group to communicate during class. If you have questions for Ray before or after class, send us an email and I’ll make sure Ray sees it.

RM: How do students sign up for this course?

AS: Sign up HERE on our Website or send us an email at if you have any additional questions about signing up.